Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24th, 2015 The Trees, Clouds and Me

April 24th, 2015 The Trees, Clouds and Me

I took a nap incredibly late afternoon/early evening, after an exceptionally long day. The work day was capped off with a location broadcast from a car dealer. One of the big draws during the broadcast? Free cookies and soft drinks!

It's perfectly okay--and I'm beyond fine being around stuff like this. It truly doesn't entice me in the least, for reasons I've written extensively about of late.

That nap--yeah...a little after 6pm until almost 7:30pm. A friend of mine thought I was crazy. But I felt it necessary and that's what matters. Had it been a night before a 4:30am alarm, different story. I will sleep-in a little while tomorrow morning.

I hit the trail for a 5K tonight. I ended at 2.7 miles instead. It was just too late and I was feeling too tired. Three laps was good for me. I did something unusual out there tonight. Well, first of all--it's strange that this was the third Friday night in a row at the trail. A pattern seems to be developing. The unusual thing? I walked in silence. I did this a couple of times before a very long time ago while walking in the early morning. I wanted to hear the birds sing their morning songs.

Tonight, I was simply enjoying the stillness of my surroundings. I was the only soul out there and it was incredibly peaceful. It was breezy and cool with some low level clouds racing Northward at what seemed to be an unusually fast speed. The only things moving in the park tonight were the trees, the clouds and me.

Two different location broadcasts for my Saturday, so I better drop in bed.

Oh, one more thing. Leah, a regular reader and fantastic loyal supporter from Canada, posted a link on her Facebook page to a segment on the CBC television series, Marketplace. It was all about gluten free products. I'm aware that only 2% of people suffer from celiac disease--and these people must avoid gluten 100%, or they get incredibly sick, fast. The questions asked and answered revolved around, Is it necessary for non-celiacs? What's the financial and nutritional cost? What's fueling this massive trend toward g-free? It was extremely informative, entertaining and it helped me make a decision.

I'm ditching the gluten free products I sometimes use. I wasn't ever 100% gluten free anyway, so really, what was the point? I'm the first to admit I don't know everything about nutrition, not by a long shot. This report was eye opening. I really hate to admit being suckered in by the big marketing efforts behind g-free. For those with celiac disease or people with a milder discomfort known as gluten intolerance or for those who avoid wheat the same way I avoid sugar, gluten free is a great idea. For me, gluten free isn't necessary. I didn't realize tonight's g-free pasta would be my last, but I suppose it was.

OMGoodness...I must pick up some Joseph's Pitas this weekend!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. So it's safe to walk in the park at night alone?? Yes, I'm a big chicken. Even in our little community. Not the same fears as the city. More the 4 legged prowlers. In the dark shadows and moon light even a Chihuahua looks scary to me. I do enjoy the silence too though. As I mentioned to you tonight I started using my fitness pal. I have one problem with it though. I cant figure out how to edit out a mistake once you have saved it. Today's lunch appears like I ate a whole can of refried beans when I actually only had 3 oz on my tostadas. Oh man, I cant imagine the pain one would be in eating a whole can of them. I will be more careful tomorrow as I'm entering my foods.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There was a time when I wasn't very comfortable walking that late out there, but since then, the city has installed more lighting and the police have increased patrols, so most of the time when it's that late, the park is empty.
      About MFP edits... tap on the food entry, then change the amount, then press the check in the upper right hand corner...That should do it. If you're wanting to delete an item, tap on edit in the upper left hand corner, select the item you want deleted and then press the trash can icon in the lower right hand part of the screen. I hope that helps!
      I love MFP!! I'm so glad you're using it. It makes a world of difference for me!

    3. Thanks for the help Sean. Things aren't quite in the same place on my phone but knowing it was there as you described I persevered and found it I know one of my problems is I go too fast on electronic things and mess stuff up. The saying in our house is "only you can mess up a computer like this" or "I don't know how you do this" What can I say, I'm special ! LOL

    4. You're welcome! Glad you found it, Leah. Believe it or not, I'm challenged at these things, too. It takes practice! I suppose that's the "secret" to anything, really...practice!

  2. So true with the GF stuff- yes, there are a few who do have celiac disease or maybe even a gluten sensitivity, but the GF fad is just that IMO LOL. Kudos on your weight loss! Oh I am a morning person and up around 4 to 5 every morning and never a nap- I can't fall asleep during the day- but have you ever considered going to bed earlier, like around 9 to 10 PM LOL? I am 65+ and still work 20-30 hours a week but I could never be up before 5 and in bed at midnight! I have never needed an alarm clock- mine is internal.

    1. The earlier bedtime--yes, I've considered but it would require me to manage my time much more efficiently during the day.
      The internal alarm clock--wow! I've known a few others who do this...I'm telling you, if I didn't use an alarm clock my entire world would fall apart!
      Yeah--the gluten thing... For those that need to steer clear, I totally get it. I just don't believe I'm one of those people. I'm lucky in that regard.

  3. I'm glad you're ditching the gluten-free stuff. I feel like this obsessive focus in the media on XYZ micro- or even macronutrient aside from being questionable at best (such as in the case of gluten) is incredible wrongheaded and shifts the focus away from where it's supposed to be: on real, whole foods. If you have a particular disease which requires you to avoid gluten you should absolutely do that but for most people it's simply a protein just as for most people lactose is simply a sugar and peanuts are simply a legume — and if you don't have food allergies or intolerances the best thing you can do for yourself nutritionally is not overthinking or micromanaging in terms of nutrients but just eating simple, whole, traditional foods. Michael Pollan summarised this in the phrase "eat food, not too much, mostly plants" which has now informed the way I eat for years:

    1. I agree with you, Maria, 100%. After watching the report, it kind of confirmed for's unnecessary for me to continue using particular g-free items. I totally realize for some it's imperative, but clearly not for me. I've heard a lot about Michael Pollan's book lately! Sounds smart. Thank you for the link, Maria!

  4. Constantly getting educated and sharing that with us - thank you Sean.

    1. Nancy, you're very welcome. Thank you for your incredibly loyal support!

  5. I actually enjoy walking in silence. It gives me time to think and clear my brain. When I listen to music it tends to distract from that process. However, when I'm on the elliptical it's a different story, I need the music to keep me going.

    1. Exactly, FogDog! The elliptical requires me to blast my music. The walking is a little more peaceful, relaxed--and as you mentioned, a great time to think and clear the brain.

  6. Sean,

    That walk sounds rare a beautiful. Other that 'walking' you just were not busy DOING anything for 2.7 miles. In today's world, that's gold.

    I'm not a facebook person, would you be able to post the link to the Gluten report here in the comments, or on your blog somewhere. I'd like to followup on it.


    1. Absolutely, was needed and enjoyed, for sure.
      The link to the CBC Marketplace piece:
      Simply copy and paste that link into your browser and it should take you right to it!
      I appreciate your support, Chris!

  7. I don't have Celiac's, but I am gluten intolerant. I get a skin condition that feels and looks like shingles (dermatitis herpetiformis). Among other things, the gluten prevents my body from absorbing Vitamin A--hence the skin ting, and the weakness in my retinas which allowed the diabetes to destroy my vision.

    I keep trying to tell myself that this whole gluten free thing is a fad and I've just jumped on the wagon train. I'd like that to be true. The fact that the skin thing goes away when I'm off gluten and comes back when I eat it, shows otherwise.

    I said that to say this: I rarely, I mean almost never, use gluten-free products. I do substitute a non-gluten food for a gluten one--like cauliflower for pasta or taco shells for hamburger buns, but processed GF products are rarely a good choice for me. For one thing, most of the bread items use a flour substitute that is very high in carbohydrate (Like corn or tapioca flour) so it solves the gluten problem, but wreaks havoc on the diabetes. :(. And the products that use almond flour, while lower in carbohydrate, concern me. Really. I don't think people were ever meant to eat that many nuts in one serving.

    On the other hand, many people who poo poo the whole GF thing come off as arrogant to me. Dismissive. Just like those who sneer at being sugar free. There's often just a sneer in the tone of those reports, sometimes.

    You've experienced that in regard to your sugar free stand, so you know what I mean. (Not present in this post & not implying that it is.) At any rate, I don't think food that is overly process to be gluten free is a healthy choice for most except under special circumstances. For the most part, those who are truly gluten intolerant or Celiac, make limited use of them.

    Let me assure you, if gluten wasn't a bonafide medical problem for me, I'd be eating it! (When I dive off plan, gluten is where I land as it is, but that's a bad thing...)

    1. You make some incredibly valid points, Deb. It's something they pointed out in the short piece I watched... Here's the link:

      Just copy and paste that in your browser and enjoy!

      It sounds as if you have solid evidence of your gluten sensitivity/intolerance. I can't honestly pinpoint anything for me. The only thing I think, would be a general bloated feeling after eating a heavy pasta meal. Of course, my memory references times when I was eating way too much to begin with--so, perhaps with portion control, it'll not be an issue.

      Excellent points about the nutritional makeup of many g-free products!

      Thank you, Deb!

  8. I don't eat pasta often, when I do I like to buy the Barilla protein plus. It's a multi-grain pasta that's higher in protein and fiber.

    I need to get to my park - it's been a busy couple of weeks and the weather is so perfect to be outside. Except today - it's raining today.

    1. I'll check out the Barilla Protein Plus. Thank you for the tip! It's been absolutely gorgeous here today...I'm actually making a return to the park tonight!!
      I hope the rain clears out for you and tomorrow is beautiful!

  9. "the sound of silence" .. I LOVE to walk and listen.. on some days and others I love my music blaring in my ears , not hearing a car or a person near me!
    Have a great Sunday, Sean!

    1. Yeah--so true, Rosie--That's me. Sometimes I truly appreciate the sounds of silence, the peace and calm is beautiful. Other times, I'm in the mood for music and blocking out everything else. Just depends. Usually I'm in the mood to rock! :) Hope your Sunday is awesome, too, Rosie, thank you!

  10. Heather, thank you. I was never 100% gluten free, I don't think. I'm glad I watched the piece on the CBC show Marketplace. It was eye opening, for sure.
    It has been spooky in the past--but the recent addition of more lighting and extra police patrols have eliminated many of the spooky, it's usually empty late at night.
    Thank you, Heather!


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