Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28th, 2015 Not Wasting Away

April 28th, 2015 Not Wasting Away

Two different people, independent of one another, said the exact same phrase to me today, "You're wasting away to nothing." What a horrible phrase! For one, it isn't true. Second, well--it's just a horrible sounding phrase! The translation: You've lost a considerable amount of weight. Great job. Aren't you about at the point of maintenance? In my opinion, judging from your appearance, you're at an optimal/healthy weight, right now.

Upon embarking on this turnaround from relapse/regain, I was determined to not focus on a number. This hasn't been a quest to reach 230 again, although I reserve the right to be thrilled when I do. The point is, my healthiest weight may or may not be 230. My goal is to reach a healthy weight, whatever that is and dedicate my life to living within the boundaries of my successful recovery, each and every day.

My buddy Jon in Wisconsin said it best, "The time you spend losing the weight is short compared to your goal of maintaining for the rest of your life." Okay--you know what? That might not be a quote, likely paraphrasing, but that was the point. And until he said it, I hadn't thought about it in those terms. And by the way, Jon just crossed over the 200 pounds lost mark. Congrats Jon!

I'm close to the point of saying, enough! All of my clothing sizes are back where they were at my lowest previous weight and that's a decent indicator. Still, I want to evaluate how I feel in the next 10 to 15 pounds and then make a decision about the transition into maintenance mode. Perhaps at 6'3" it is about 230, I don't know. I still think it's interesting that I basically pulled that number out of the air when I first started losing weight in 2008 and it actually was about right. I had zero experience to draw from in making the guess, just intuition I suppose.

With additional workouts, specifically weight training, who knows? I might end up at an optimal 240 or 250 one of these days. As someone recently suggested in the comments section, it truly becomes more about overall fitness, less about anything else.

I certainly don't want to waste away to nothing! 

I was the "celebrity bingo caller" at Woodlands Elementary Bingo/Raffle Night, tonight. This marks the third or fourth year for my involvement with this annual event. It's one of those things where I may not see quite a few of the people again until next time. I remember a couple of years ago, after regaining a significant amount, how I didn't really want to be there because I was full of embarrassment and shame for the regain. But you know what? They've always treated me well and never any different, regardless of my size/appearance.

As I study the inner workings of me on many of these internal struggles, I realize how I've been the biggest judge all along. And any perception to the contrary was simply me projecting my own feelings onto others without their knowledge. 

I hurried from the elementary school gymnasium in order to get home for my weekly teleconference group support call. Usually I'm accompanied by Life Coach Gerri as a co-facilitator, but she had a big conference on her schedule this week. It was a good call, although I tend to go too long--and I did tonight. My lacking in the time management department applies to most everything I do, it seems. I felt bad about going long, simply because people have schedules--things to do, places to go--I must be more considerate.

The extra fourteen minutes on the line tonight was just enough for me to put my dinner and the Y too close together. I made the decision to exercise with a brisk 2.7 mile walk at the trail instead of my usual YMCA visit. Most of the group participants seemed to be okay with the slightly longer than normal discussions. Still, I must continue learning the art of brevity. I get super passionate about this stuff, as you might have deduced. Discussing the ins and outs of what many of us are experiencing can quickly and easily turn into a long conversation.

I'm taking vacation days from the radio station Wednesday and Thursday in an effort to organize several things I'm currently working on--things I've allowed to become sources of stress--and the stress isn't because of the things, rather, my handling/procrastination of those things. I've created stress and now, I'm dealing with it head on instead of eating my way through it! That's progress for a first class emotional/stress eater, I promise you!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how often I read just the right thing here, just at the right time. :-}
    Been working --yet again-- on getting a handle on time management. I read just recently from someone I respect, that (paraphrasing) the secret to success is Time Management. And the secret to time management is 1) Right priorities and 2) Self discipline.

    And then you are talking about about it here, too. Methinks I'd better make it a priority.

    Thanks for all you share here. I know it's encouraging to many.

    1. Retta, that's such a wonderful thing to read. I'm glad. Thank you.
      The time management priority level, to me, has gone way up of late. I seriously can't afford to meander along without getting a grip on it--instead of exhaustively writing and speaking about how I need to get a handle on it.
      I appreciate your support, Retta--always.

  2. It's hard to ignore those comments which I've decided come mostly from envy. You're strong enough to wade through them though.

    I also am a terrible procrastinator especially about things I really don't want to tackle. I'm also working on time management. Hang in there. :)

    1. Thank you, Caron. You're right-- I was slightly annoyed but mostly amused by the coincidence of two different people saying the exact same phrase--in the same day. I know where I am and how I feel--and really, that's all that matters.
      It's things I don't want to tackle--and things I want to tackle, but for whatever reason, seem to put off and off---until it almost becomes laughable...and that's a dangerous place to go... I'm hanging in there--thank you, Caron!

  3. I got REALLY ticked off (internally) when one co-worker told me she was worried about me, that I was getting too thin (at 5 ft. 2, 126..come on!) The woman who lives on bread, bread, and more bread. But I sucked it up, told her I was healthier than ever, per my doctor, and thanked her for her concern. But I seethed inside for a while. Caron is right. It's jealousy. Sad, petty jealousy. You handled it much better internally than I did. ;)

    1. "But I sucked it up, told her I was healthier than ever, per my doctor, and thanked her for her concern." The two of us, Gwen--so much alike. I've handled things like this the exact same way...
      "well, I assure you, I'm healthier now than ever and I feel great! No worries here!"
      I've reached a point now--after the initial loss--the maintaining for a while--then the regain/relapse---and now the recovery---I just don't allow myself to be affected by what others say, like I once was. It sometimes annoys me a little--but mostly I'm amused. I've heard it all before... and it truly comes down to how I feel and how my doctor declares my overall health... Might be jealousy from some...for others, I really believe a comment like that is their attempt at a compliment...and they're possibly unaware of the backhanded sound of their words. I truly appreciate you, Gwen. Thank you.

  4. Great post - as always! I've gotten variations of that "compliment." It's ridiculous every time because I've never even been close to underweight, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that I may look like I'm wasting away to nothing compared to my prior physique. That said, I have a question for you: What do you envision your maintenance to look like? The reason I ask is because I have lost weight and I envision my maintenance phase to be exactly the same as my weight loss phase. I'm eating and exercising in ways that are healthy, enjoyable, and sustainable, and I assume that I will naturally settle at a healthy weight by simply continuing to do what I'm doing for the rest of my life (one day at a time, of course!). What are your thoughts on maintenance? And thanks again for your excellent blog!

    1. Alison, Thank you. I like to give the benefit of the doubt, too.
      Great question!!! And my answer is pretty much word for word, your vision.
      I don't see much changing in the day to day elements of my recovery once I officially declare "maintenance mode!" The things I do each day should be things I do each day, for as long as I live.
      I've purposely made my elements of recovery enjoyable. It isn't a chore. I don't wake dreading another day of logging my food, being aware--staying within a calorie budget, abstaining from sugar, seeking and giving support when needed--or any of it... I enjoy what I'm doing. If there's any change at all, it'll possibly be adding a few hundred calories or so, each day and focusing on continuously developing my workout skills and experiences.
      The transition coming soon for me, may not be so easy to spot...that's how much it will look like what I've been doing for the last year.
      I must ask myself, for each element in my plan: Am I doing this as a means to an end or is this something I must embrace, always? For 90% of what I do, it's the latter.
      You're very welcome, Alison. This blog has been and continues to be an incredible blessing to me in so many ways. Thank you for your loyal support!

  5. hey Sean, nice share. I just want to say ignore those awfull comments and continue what you're doing! you are doing great! :)

    1. Thank you, Healthabx! I appreciate your support!

  6. I remember...during the 3 or 4 times I've lost a considerable amount of weight--that someone would give me the wasting away comment. Quite frankly, I was thrilled. :D The last time I heard it was in late 2010. Sighhh. So much better (assuming I'm NOT sick and really wasting away) than seeing that wide-eyed moment on someone's face, then hearing, "Ohhh, noooo. You've gained your weight back." Yeah. A lot better than that. snicker.

    Keep at it, Sean. Your translation of the wasting comment was exactly right. I don't think anyone was envious or jealous at all.


    1. You made me smile from ear to ear, Deb, thank you. We've both experienced the extremes--from "wasting away" to "Oh no!" If I must choose--I'll take "wasting away"--of course, as you said--"assuming I'm NOT sick and really wasting away." I appreciate your support, Deb. Always!

  7. Thanks Sean! The quote about the amount of time loosing the weight being very short compared to time we needed to maintain the weight is a very powerful statement. For anyone lucky enough to find a solution to what has caused your life long food addiction. When you have the instinctive feeling and knowing you truly have change. It really does not matter how long it takes to loose the weight. Loosing over 300 pounds regardless if its going to be 1/2 a pound per week or 3 pounds per week. Over one years time or four years time, it does not matter. That time loosing the weight is very short.

    A friend of mine with over 100 pounds to loose mentioned to me recently, he would like to loose 60 pounds over the next four months asking me if 15 pounds a month was doable. I responded maybe the first month or two but it really does not matter, even if you lost just one pound per week that would be fantastic progress and regardless if it takes 60 weeks or 4 months. I mentioned that time is very very short compared to the years you will need to continue in maintenance. When you envision the bigger picture, suddenly you realize it's very early the beginning stages once the actual weight is off.

    1. It is powerful, agreed! When we get impatient--in a big hurry, we must truly check ourselves and ask, Are we doing this as a temporary means to an end or are we implementing changes we can live with for the rest of our lives? Because if it's the latter--and it is for me, then how long it takes doesn't really matter.
      Great response to your friend, by the way. Exactly!!
      I agree with you, 100%. Once a healthy weight is attained, that's a beginning in its own right...where we say, okay--what have I learned about me along the way? What elements of my weight loss and recovery must I continue to hold sacred for as long as I live? For me, it's nearly all of them.
      Jon, thank you for being a wonderful friend.
      And BIGTIME congrats on crossing the two hundred pounds lost mark! Incredibly inspiring, Jon.


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