Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3rd, 2015 Flying Flip Not Given

April 3rd, 2015 Flying Flip Not Given

I had an opportunity to sleep in a little extra today. The big plan today involved taking mom to her appointment at the Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City. I picked her up shortly before 9am in order for us to comfortably make her 10:30am appointment time. We look forward to these trips together. Much like when I travel with either one of my daughters, we most always leave the music off and fill the drive time in conversation. These conversations typically involve plenty of laughter. We love to laugh. We did some of that today!

Our plans included lunch after the appointment, followed by a workout at the YMCA. We quickly abbreviated the plan after mom underwent a few unexpected tests/procedures that left her vision temporarily even more impaired. I couldn't imagine mom out there trying to walk on the indoor track and not feeling well or having issues seeing where she was going. She offered to sit and wait while I worked out, but I wasn't about to do that. We were both tired and ready to get back after our mid afternoon lunch, so that's what we did.
 photo Mom20and20Me_zps88zccyin.jpg
Mom and Me this afternoon. It's actually hard to tell in this photo--but the length and volume of my hair was significantly cut yesterday. I'm digging the shorter hair. It did feel strange washing it this morning--much less to clean. I have yet to try shaving the facial hair. I plan on doing it this weekend.

I didn't realize I was so attached. At the same time, I'm curious. The good thing is, if I don't like it gone, all I need is a few weeks and it'll grow right back on my face.  How blessed to have this as one of my "issues of discussion?"

Seriously, I don't really care too much--and it's really not a major thing. But to be completely honest with you, there is some kind of psychological attachment--and connection, in my mind, to the facial hair--based on perceived attractiveness as influenced by what others have said to me, in favor, over the last five years of wearing the hair on my face.

The deal is--and this is big: I don't care anymore. I don't give a flying flip if I'm attractive or not with or without it. I'm not looking to attract anyone and I'm certainly not looking for any kind of relationship, anyway. And I wouldn't want one where hair on or hair off my face was a make or break issue! 

If I keep writing this empowering albeit shallow/superficial segment, I'll be in there shaving before the publish button is pressed. Isn't saying and truly feeling the "I don't care anymore" perspective, powerful?

Some things I do care about involve getting more rest and making sure I take care of my food and exercise in a way that exhibits the highest level of importance. I was super tired on the way home. The sugar-free Starbucks treat was enough to keep me safe for the drive, but it wasn't enough to talk me out of an early evening nap within minutes after walking into my apartment.  The plan was to rest until 7pm, then prepare dinner before getting into the YMCA for an elliptical ride. This plan B was cancelled in favor of Plan C when I overslept my nap by 45 minutes.

New plan: Good dinner and a 5K in the park. Simple enough. Except I forgot to stop by the store for a few things. No worries--I always have tostada fixings and sweet potatoes--I love 'em both, even if they are an unusual combination!

The 5K tonight was wonderful. I had the entire park to myself--the whole time. That is VERY unusual. Usually people are out getting exercise or simply hanging out visiting with one another in the parking lot. Not tonight. It was just me out there on a chilly night with my ear buds in, the music up and my body moving. Oh--and it's actually a little longer than a 5K. I did 3.4 miles instead of 3.1. One thing is certain, the 5K brisk walk works the body in different ways than the elliptical. I feel the difference every time.

My Tweets Today:

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  1. Love the hair, very stylish
    Mum looks really well too

  2. Looks nice! You bring up a good point. That I can apply towards myself. I've been struggling with being in the 130's, vs. wanting to be upper mid 120's. Yes, the difference is less than 10 lbs. And not even a 'need to lose those last 10 lbs.', which would indicate I'm overweight that much. I'm not. It's TOTALLY a vanity thing. Wanting to stay a particular size. SO STUPID, GWEN. Thanks for, unintentionally, giving me a good slap upside dah head. ;)

    1. I wouldn't call yourself stupid, Gwen. It's natural, I think, to get this particular. Also, important to acknowledge the insignificance of it in the big picture. It's more a mental obstacle--like getting to a certain number unlocks something mentally. You're welcome. I'm glad it got you to thinking about it! You're fabulous, Gwen!

  3. It's odd to catch yourself in something like thinking about your hair. It's not really on the radar until something changes. I can't help but think about what are the things we are NOT paying attention to all all that are totally missing out on.

    I appreciate you keeping on fighting and THINKING. I've had my moments for sure of doing well and going off the deep end. But you keep on going, and people can see it's possible to fall down and get up again and keep going.

    HAPPY EASTER!!!! I will save you an egg at my blog if I can!

    Don't forget at foolsfitness we WILL mug that bunny for those wonderful chocolate eggs!- Alan

    1. I had a fairly monumental fall (164lb regain), so happy and incredibly blessed to have spent the last year turning it around. Fighting--thinking--yes, always--a must! Keep going!!!
      Happy Easter! You always make me smile. Please, make it a gentle mugging of the bunny. :)

  4. I'm on orders from the wife not to shave the goat, not that I think its grounds for divorce or anything. I still prefer it, but that's me. Knock it off and see if you enjoy it. Not having facial hair would be a weird experience for me, maybe I should try it!

    You look great, Sean! Especially that gleam in your eye. You got this!

    1. Lance, She's totally earned the right to have her preference considered! I'll tell ya, Lance-- I kind of like it off.
      I feel great, for sure. Better than before. Thank you, sir!

  5. Love the picture with your mom! Your appeal has nothing to do with facial hear if you ask me..cant wait to se ethe after pic :)

    1. Alati, thank you--I very much appreciate you writing this. Mom is so fantastic--my goodness, I love her so much.

  6. I like your facial hair because it is NOT that grungy look where you appear to have forgotten to shave for three days. Hate that!

    Also like the short haircut. It will be interesting to see if you do shave. :)

    1. Thank you, Caron. I did shave off the hair and maybe 5-10 years, it seems. I'm liking the short haircut, too.

  7. Haircut looks good! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Neca! I hope your weekend is wonderful, too!

  8. Like the idea that you are embracing "change" - somewhere I heard THAT is what lies underneath our even clinging to our weight. Hummmmm,

    1. Oh yes, Nancy--the "embracing" is a critical element!!

  9. Please tell me why's with all the tacos??

    1. Because I love them! :) And not only do I love the taste, they're very easy to count and adjust the calories to fit a calorie budget by simply adding or subtracting ingredients.

    2. And I love the crunch. I'm a texture kind of person. I enjoy the crunch of the shell, the flavor of the chicken or beef--the creaminess of the sour cream--it all works together in a wonderful way...and all while fitting nicely in calorie budget.

  10. Thanks for replying I kind of figured it was something like that.


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