Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27th, 2015 Bottom Of The Fourth

May 27th, 2015 Bottom Of The Fourth

If yesterday was like a blooper single, today was a home run. Not a spectacular, over the Green Monster, record setting home run, but a home run, never the less. 

Over the course of this experience, I've learned the importance of accepting and choosing to be okay when things don't go exactly as planned. As long as I'm honest with myself about the efforts made, there's a clear distinction between excuse and legitimate circumstance. If I'm dishonest with myself, that's when the lines get blurred between the two. Awareness and self-honesty--two of the most important elements along this road!

Another thing to consider when we feel like we've struck out on a particular day: Babe Ruth was known for his home run hitting. Lesser known is the fact that he led the major leagues in strikeouts five seasons of his career. #truestory

This trek isn't and should never be about perfection, in my opinion. It's about finding the groove and the elements that work best for you--and in that, finding consistency. If you're not consistent, you haven't failed. You're simply in search of your elements--your groove...and when you find it, you'll find consistency.

And even with consistency, we occasionally go down swinging, and that's okay because we get another at bat. Another chance to knock it out of the park. I made mention of this baseball analogy last night and Lisa, a member of the exclusive weight loss support group I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri, added something brilliant: "It's all about staying in the game and being present which inning you're in!" Oh wow. Yes, indeed. What inning is it? I feel like I'm in the bottom of the fourth and there's a whole lot of game ahead of me. Know what I mean?

We're getting into wedding preparation mode quickly. The next few days will be intense, I'm sure! I'm excited. I still can't believe my Amber is getting married this Saturday evening. It doesn't seem possible! I can't wait to walk her down the isle. She's picked a song that will likely render me a big mushy mess of tears!

I caught up on blog comment replies tonight. So if you've asked a question in any of the previous three blog posts, I've answered! And thank you!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Thank you for your reply, very much appreciated. I am a work in progress.

    1. You're welcome! We are all a work in progress, I promise!

  2. I like your "fast fruit run." Eerily reminiscent of that notorious "fast food run," but so much healthier!

    1. Dupster--I didn't even see that. Cool... Yes--the "fast fruit run" has replaced my old "fast food run." I made a lot of those fast food runs back in the day!!!

  3. Sending good energy your way Sean for the big day approaching. Can't wait for the pictures. Blessings on everyone involved.

    1. Thank you, Nancy!! It will be an amazing day, for sure!! With loads of pictures, I'm sure!


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