Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12th, 2015 Never A Lock

June 12th, 2015 Never A Lock

All three of my meals today were prepared at work. It was a combination of a regular workday, an evening location broadcast and late in-studio weather coverage. I did manage to squeeze in an afternoon nap, so that was good.

I really like how I feel these days. It's a different feeling from when I was here before, at this weight; physicality. I feel somewhat leaner than before. Perhaps the abstinence from sugar and the increased workouts have helped make the positive changes I've noticed. The biggest difference is, I'm not scared--or better put, I'm not at a loss for what's next.

I recently received an email from a faithful reader asking "why do you continue trying to lose weight?" I get it--and I appreciate it, thank you. I'll take it as a compliment! I'm close to instituting maintenance mode. I'm close, but not quite ready just yet.

I wear my clothes well. I've always had this ability to be conscious of how to wear my clothing in the best way possible. My height also plays a role in concealing. When I weighed 505 pounds, people would often guess around 400, so naturally as I've lost weight--I still carry more weight than what appears. In other words--looking at the standing profile shot in the grocery store from a week ago, you might guess my weight to be well below 233. Nope! Well, maybe-- I don't know, weigh day is still a week and a half away!

Within the next 5 to 10 pounds, I'll be transitioning into maintenance mode. The differences between what I'm doing now and what I'll be doing then, are very small. The fundamental elements of my recovery will not waiver. The daily writing of this blog, the accountability tweets, the tracking and logging in MyFitnessPal, the active participation in support circles--it all stays the same. It must if I expect to continue living well.

The difference? Maybe I'll add some calories to the budget--some good calorie-dense snacks and get into some different workouts and more intentional weight training routines. And running. I'm seriously considering giving it an honest try. I've never really tried to run, at least not in the right way.

And really, I'm not sure what will happen when these changes are instituted. I could possibly continue to lose or, with increased weight training, gain. And that's okay. Whatever my body wants--as long as I'm holding sacred my elements of recovery, I'm cool as a cucumber.

Certainty is one of the basic human needs. I feel certainty in my plan moving forward. It doesn't mean I'm "fixed" or "immune" from relapse---I'll never be those things. But I am certain I can continue holding sacred the elements of my recovery as long as I stay connected and open. No matter how long I do this, it's never a "lock." I'm a student of the process forever more. And proud to be showing up for class each and every day.

Tomorrow is insanely busy with three different location broadcasts. The first six hours include two and will require me to plan, prepare and pack a good lunch. It's the Three P's! I roasted a turkey breast the other day and I've yet to carve it--so I'll do that, pack a few other things and be well.

My activity today, like yesterday, was my exercise. Same plan tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a great Y workout on Sunday.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I just wanted to drop a note & let you know how much I look forward to reading your posts each morning. You inspire me every day with your positive and thoughtful comments. Have a great day today!

    1. Awe, thank you!! I sincerely appreciate your support!!

  2. I love reading your blog every day! It gives me motivation to keep going on my own journey. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, Meg! I sincerely appreciate your readership. And congrats on what you're doing...Keep going! I will too! :)

  3. I reckon you will become addicted to running I can feel it ... Try the c25k programme

    Your tweet
    Don't call it being predictable and boring. I call it being consistent and stable. With sf hazelnut. 2cups. 60cal
    I love it .... It really hit home to me thanks

    1. TR-- Yes, I hope so. Some friends who are runners have encouraged me to get some proper running shoes---telling me how it will make every difference in the world. I haven't yet--but will.
      Yeah--that tweet--it's all in perspective, right? Truly is all about perspective.

  4. The super cool thing ( definitely a blog topic in the future for me) is the sense of calm and lack of anxiety on a no sugar and for me no grains approach. I didn't and don't always know what my life will bring in the next few years- but I do know that with the no sugar, no grain approach, I'll have the mindset and courage and strength to do what I need to do. To change what I need to change.

    Kudos for taking a no sugar approach. If more people did that somewhat simple (yet very complex to implement) step, that more would find long term maintenance. Onward in confidence. It's a whole new life. Bringing my food to work is in my top 10 maintenance strategies.

    1. Karen, you're living proof of the positive peace and calm that comes. I would have never fully believed it, had I not honestly given it my best.
      Yes indeed---Your top 10 maintenance strategies-- That's a blog post too! You wanna do a guest post one day?
      I'm totally serious. I never do guest posts--but I would make an exception for you, if you agree!

    2. Sean! Yes, blog guest posting is fabulous. I would love to. Pick a date and topic and give me a week lead time and I'm game. My email address is in my "about me" tab on my blog. Cheers and keep up the great work.

  5. Your blog is the one of the first (okay, maybe the first) that I read everyday. I know that I will find you had another consistent day and that inspires me. Your progress and success are astounding. I'm betting you will kick maintenance in the butt.

    1. LTR-- I certainly hope to have a successful maintenance experience! If I continue to hold sacred the elements of my recovery, I believe I'll be fine. Never a given, though! I sincerely appreciate your readership every day...very much!

  6. I love reading your blog every day!

    1. Thank you, Tadwin! I sincerely appreciate you reading each day!


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