Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14th, 2015 I Took It Easy

June 14th, 2015 I Took It Easy

I didn't write about it last night, but I was proud of myself for the level of planning, preparation and execution of my food plan yesterday (Saturday). I took extraordinary care and that feels really good. I packed my lunch and I made a point to prepare and enjoy dinner before my 6pm evening broadcast. For me, someone who doesn't shy away from eating dinner at 10pm if that's what the schedule demands, it was exceptional.

After several crazy schedule kind of days, I took it easy today. I slept in until I naturally woke, without the aid of an alarm. It felt amazing. My approach was simple from that point on. I enjoyed coffee, spent time preparing a fabulous brunch (check out the tweet below--I love cooking!!) and made it to the YMCA for a fantastic workout this afternoon before making the trip to my hometown to dine out with mom.
 photo with20mom20june2014_zpsus4zrdgs.jpg
I'm excited for mom's progress. She's walking regularly and losing weight. I'm overjoyed for her! You can see the difference, too! I let her know what a difference I was noticing and she lit up. She feels great about it too. So glad!

Instead of our usual Mexican place for the same thing, we did something different. We dined at one of my old hangouts, The Hideaway Pizza. The trips of old to this place, for me, were very different than today's trip.

There was a time when I couldn't get enough of Hideaway. I'd eat and eat, perhaps an entire bowl of fried mushrooms and several (more than 3 or 4) big, heavy slices of pizza and every time, I'd leave feeling stuffed and miserable. I don't do that now. And the most amazing thing: It was still a very enjoyable dining experience without all the excessive indulgence!

I've done the research on Hideaway. I've consulted with management and received a fairly accurate guesstimate on the fried mushroom calories (30 per mushroom) and it was last fall when I confirmed the sugar free status of their sauce.  Mom and I shared a small gluten free thin crust (ordering gluten free is the only thin crust option) veggie pizza. Three fairly small pieces check in at roughly 470 calories (the amount of cheese being the biggest contributor to the number). Again--worth it. This evening's trip marks the third time I've enjoyed this particular meal in the last 14 months. I'll have it again some day. It was enjoyable and mostly, I think mom appreciated the change of venue for our dinner out.  

I'm looking forward to the week ahead. Life Coach Gerri and I kick off our first Monday evening conference call support group tomorrow evening at 6pm central. We still have spots in the Monday group available. We decided to offer a Monday night option when our regular Tuesday night conference filled quickly. If you have questions about the Monday night accountability/support group, send me an email: The registration fee is $100 for the 10 week session. For an average of $10 per week, you get a level of support that can make a profound difference. The call each week, the secret facebook page for call members only and spot support via text message and email, anytime--make this one of the best values in comprehensive support and accountability tools.

Here's what some of our members have to say:

"I have found support a valuable tool in my weight loss journey. There is no better support team than Sean & Gerri." B.J.--Kansas

"The extra layer of accountability and support has made weight loss easier. Knowing that others are sharing this journey lightens the load!" G.G.--North Carolina

"The support is excellent. It's amazing to be in a group where everyone understands each other - and we are all on the same journey. Sean and Gerri are fantastic leaders who practice what they teach." S.S. --Washington

I hope your weekend was wonderful. Goodnight, my friends!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Mom looks great and happy! We all need a day to take it easy and recharge! Have a great week!

    1. Alati, thank you--It was a really solid, enjoyable day.

    2. Hope your week is awesome, too!

  2. That pizza looks amazing! Nice change from all the Mexican food I bet.

    1. Dupster--yes, it was a needed change of pace! I enjoyed it and I believe mom did too. That thin crust veggie was unbelievably good!!!

  3. Mom looks happy but I'll bet it isn't only because of her weight loss but mainly that she has a son that obviously loves her very much!!!! Planning your dinner meal early instead of eating at 10:00 deserves applause!!!

    1. Awe, Nancy--thank you! I do love her dearly, for sure! It was a rare thing to eat so early! But it worked well!

  4. Yes your Mom does look great. I'm sure she's feeling it too. Your food also amazing this day too.

    1. Leah--she will love reading this! Thank you, Leah! I Love my food!!


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