Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 17th, 2015 Sometimes Necessary

June 17th, 2015 Sometimes Necessary

I ran out of time this evening. I must drop in bed. 

It's very hard for me to not write each night. Sometimes necessary, though.

The dinner tweets--very proud of this meal. It was incredibly delicious and likely had a slightly lower count than I logged. If I'm ever in doubt, I over-estimate. I'd rather count too much than too little! Those potatoes: Salt and pepper and unsweetened cashew milk--skins and all, That's it---and mash like a mad man...additional salt and pepper to taste.

Letting the Tweets report the day:

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Your dinner sounds awesome! I love making healthier versions of 'down home' food. :-)

    1. It was fun to make! And the flavor turned out really well! I was truly surprised it was as good as I'd hoped.


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