Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22nd, 2015 Super-Whiny Sickly Boy

June 22nd, 2015 Super-Whiny Sickly Boy

I opened my eyes this morning and immediately knew something wasn't right. I didn't sleep well (which is unusual these days) and I quickly realized why. I felt horrible. I made a trip to the necessary room (I'll spare you the details--but let's just say I've spent the day trying to identify any possible dietary culprit.) I made the last minute decision to take a sick day from work, stay home--and feel better.

I'm not good at being sick. I have a low tolerance for any kind of this stuff and when I have it, I get super-whiny. Ask Irene, my ex-wife! She'll tell ya all about it! I turn into a fussy little toddler. Super-Whiny Sickly Boy isn't attractive, I assure you--in any way, shape or form. I'm not proud of it.

I cancelled everything on my schedule today. I really didn't have a choice. I'm very lucky that I have pros backing me up when needed!

I've rested quite a bit today--and I'm headed back to bed now. Unless I wake with a raging fever--I must go to work tomorrow. There's too much to get done!

The good news is, I'm feeling considerably better at the moment. Not sure the source of this crud--but it is that...uhg. More rest is in order.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Having this happen to me periodically, have had Pepto Bismo be the answer. Probably came from something you ate. Make sure you keep drinking your water. Thanks for blogging even though feeling crudy!

    1. Absolutely, Nancy! I'm wondering if I didn't get some bad bottled water. I hope not! Thank you!

  2. My grands just had it.. the baby with a temp of 102 and the 5 yr old with a temp of 103/ bad stomach... they were troopers through it all. My son got it next with high temps / sweats and some ungodly things that exited his body! He felt better by end of day and then boom, hit him again! Now, 100% so hopefully yours will be gone by morning! Rest up Sean and feel well!
    Rosie :)

    1. It's a nasty little bug--but apparently it moves quickly! very good!! Happy to read your fam is feeling better! I'm happy to report, I am too! Thank you, Rosie!


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