Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9th, 2015 Just The Tweets

June 9th, 2015 Just The Tweets

It's days like today when the Live-Tweeting comes in handy. It's too late for my own good. I look forward to writing more later this week.

I'm letting the tweets handle tonight's edition.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I notice you are having lamb chops sometimes now after trying only recently, so I guess you like?!

    1. They're pretty small--but the flavor has me coming back for more. I wouldn't have given them another chance, I don't think--except they were gifted to me by a colleague... So I gave another chance. My initial reaction when I first tried them, involved the calorie value being too high.
      I was trying to eat four chops--over four hundred calories worth--because they were small and rather fatty.
      Now--two is enough. It's not a large quantity of meat--but the flavor is exceptional and worth it..so I've found a way to appreciate the flavor--be well with the amount and get a decent calorie count.
      With the sugar free peach spread-- oh my--out of this world, treat!

    2. I still have a couple of meals worth, I believe. The test will come when I buy more--or not!

  2. Lol! I remember your first culinary efforts. You've come a long way baby!

    1. Thank you!! I've learned along the way. Oh my... many things. ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Occasionally-- maybe a drink or two a year, at most. I can drink--It just doesn't do anything for me. And it takes very little to intoxicate me!! 1/2 a long island tea affects me in a profound way. I'm lucky in this way, really. Good question, Robin!


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