Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22nd, 2015 The Only Option

July 22nd, 2015 The Only Option

My food was fantastic today. To me, the perfect summertime lunch is a cool guacamole salad and some ice cold watermelon. It was delicious! Lunch time rolled around and I found myself without anything to prepare. I usually keep the employee kitchen stocked with what I need. I can't tell you how many times in the days of old, this same situation has played out--ending with me grabbing some kind of fast food. During the relapse/regain period, a big taco salad with extra meat, extra cheese and extra sour cream--in a deep fried bowl, was a regular indulgence. And yes, back then--I'd eat every last crumb.

There's a grocery store less than a mile from the studio. It was there back then and it's still there today. I made a fast trip in, grabbed a few things--and out, back to the kitchen at work, prepared a nice lunch and felt great about it. Honestly, it's something I never would have thought to do back then, in my lowest points of struggle--in fact, I wouldn't have considered it something even remotely possible. What? Go into a grocery store to pick up items I then have to prepare as opposed to just walking into the fast food taco place down the street...yeah... taco place won every time. But when I started taking better care of me--when I started making me important again--when I started honoring the integrity of my turnaround plan, suddenly the grocery store option wasn't a negative at all. Suddenly, it became the only option in my mind.

I picked up Noah today for an extended visit. That little guy is active! Thank goodness a good friend of mine was along, helping me take good care of him. We visited the park, the grocery store--came home, prepared flatbread pizza for dinner--watched a little Curious George, a little Color Crew--then, while my friend took good care of him, I ran off to the Y for my workout. I got home and Noah was still up and wired. I tried reading to him, speaking softly to him, putting him directly into bed and telling him "it's sleepy time," and nothing worked. Finally, I laid down with him, softly patted his back and spoke soft gentle encouragement (at one point he started rambling something back to me in a softened tone--it was adorable). It took awhile, but finally I fell asleep. I woke up at midnight and he was asleep, too. Good deal.

I must have slept beside him for a little over an hour. Glad I woke up. Hopefully he'll stay asleep throughout the night. I'm headed back to bed now!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. It seems finding your pantry empty or running out of time before your next appointed place to be - for me has me wanting to stop for fast food. Realized the other day, what flashed through my mind was "I want to be taken care of~" and stopping to have someone else prepare my food would be that in that rushed moment. I ALMOST did that yesterday. Realized I had plenty at home and really had the time to go there and prepare my lunch - so did that. How easy it would have been to just drive through a Wendy's for a burger. Taking better care of myself! Thanks for sharing your before and now response.
    Taking care of a 2 year old for hours on end is a lot different than just visiting for a few hours isn't it? Sounds like you did a good job with Noah!

    1. Nancy, it is very easy, in situations like that, to rationalize choices that are out of harmony with what we need to proceed toward our goals. I stand up and applaud your decision in this circumstance. The way you handled it was "pro-level." Oh my-- yes, taking care of him in an extended fashion is straight up work!! But a labor of love. I would do anything for that little guy.

  2. That little boy of yours is adorable with those big blues! So cute. I have my two grands tomorrow for 2 and a half days! I'm resting today. One is 11 months and one is 5! They are going to run my ragged! LOL But I love it. Like you, if I was still 300 lbs I couldn't do the running around with them! Food looked good as well!
    Rosie :)

    1. Wow, Rosie--11 months and 5!! That will keep you very busy!!!! Very true--at our old weights, my goodness, Rosie-- not possible. I really loved the food today! His big blue eyes look like they came from the imagination and paint brush of a Disney artist. I love that little man!

  3. That child is beautiful!
    I am proud of you for finding someone to watch him while you worked took care of yourself first so that you could better take care of him (not just for the night, but for the future)!

    1. Thank you, Grace! Very true! He's a handful, especially at 2 years old! Oh my!


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