Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6th, 2015 Making The Most of It

July 6th, 2015 Making The Most of It

Mom and I have enjoyed our visit! We're making the most of our visit despite my full schedule. I hurried home late this afternoon and prepared dinner for the two of us before my evening commitments. Mom did some shopping while I made it to my Monday conference call followed by play rehearsal.

Mom is enjoying the meals and I love cooking them for her!

 photo Noahtoday_zpsyiydqttd.jpg
Happy birthday to my sweet little grandson Noah. He turned 2 years old today! We're having his birthday party tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. (Photo from a couple of months ago)

Time is short tonight, so I must let the Tweets tell the story of Monday. You'll notice, no workout in there today, however, Fitbit gave me a calorie adjustment of almost 300 calories based on "measured activity."

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. We have a birthday party this week too :) Enjoy your family!

  2. Happy Birthday to your best guy, Noah!! 2! I love that age. So much fun!


  3. Happy birthday little Noah! He is just adorable. I miss rehearsals! Should get back into it myself.

    1. He is the best!! I love him sooooo much!
      Oh, FFF-- I encourage you to get back into it!! When it's in you, it's in you!! Do it, my friend! It'll add joy to your life.


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