Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17th, 2015 A Different Focus

August 17th, 2015 A Different Focus

Last night was turbulent. The tossing and turning and waking-- It isn't the little guy's fault. He's not accustomed to sleeping here.

He's finally asleep tonight and I'm right behind him.

This is day two in a row of not hitting my exercise goal. I'm simply acknowledging--not beating myself up over it. 

If hitting 2,000 cal a day, eating out three nights in a row (Fri-Sun) and now having two consecutive days of no workouts, still results in any kind of loss at all--it's definitely time for some changes!

I'll likely gain a little. And that'll be just fine. (No really--it'll be okay...I say with a straight face...I won't get all weird about it... okay, maybe a little weird..but that's me, I mean-- we'll see...that's Wednesday, tomorrow's Tuesday---Geez Louise, one day at a time, Sean!!!).

Seriously, out of perrentacies, It's a different focus--a different perspective, now.

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I maintained my abstinence from sugar and I exceeded my water goal today. It's always a good day when I can hit the pillow knowing I did all three of those.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I strongly believe that the maintenance portion of weight control is the most difficult, and I look forward to your insights and ongoing success in that arena. Always appreciative, and always cheering for you!

  2. Oh Sean.... I'm worried for you! Many have said "at maintenance? Here comes the hard part!" ~ Being as you are not only adjusting to maintenance but preparing and getting in shape for a 5K - - is it wise to take on taking care of Noah? Having the responsibility of a 2 yr old for 24/7 when you are used to it is next to impossible. Hardest job in the world! Adding that to your plate - well, you might want to re-think it. Visiting with him for a few hours is doable and a whole different thing. Knowing how you are, I don't think you will be happy if you don't make your established goal and you have 2 big ones out there: your maintenance AND the 5K! Just saying'

  3. Thank you for writing this Journal Sean. I've read every word and that helped me to stop and think after preparing 600+ calories of junk food after 9:30 last night. I put all of that junk back and stayed under my 2,000 calorie budget. Thank you, Sean!

  4. Revisão pós muito informativo. Tenho o prazer de ter vindo através deste artigo. Eu estava olhando ansiosamente para um post que dar tal informação. Mantem.
    Eu tenho algumas informações relevantes você pode rever abaixo
    Comprar Kimera Thermo


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