Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21st, 2015 Without Explanation-Without Hesitation

August 21st, 2015 Without Explanation-Without Hesitation

Two things I knew about today going in: It was going to be busy and I needed to plan and prepare. Planning and preparing beyond food, too. I planned and took a midday nap, exercising an option to split my studio workday in half. And since we were short staffed this afternoon, it equally benefited me and the radio station.

I had a big gig tonight, emceeing and playing music for the Party at The Palace, a bi-annual fundraiser for our area chamber of commerce held at the historic Marland Mansion. My normal requires me to plan ahead as far as food is concerned.

I hadn't a clue what they would be serving at this event, so I made sure to prepare, weigh and pack some fruit--just in case I needed a fallback plan. As it turned out, the food was fine and I was able to navigate the choices easily. Just to be sure, I spoke with the caterer while preparing my plate. I wanted some of the burgundy mushrooms and a small portion of the prime rib--both were possibly containing refined sugar, so I had to ask. I did ask, politely and without explanation. The caterer obliged politely and without hesitation. No sugar in the prep of either items in question. Perfect.

My abstinence from refined sugar is that important to me. It took very little effort to gain the certainty I needed before plating those two items. I ended up eating the apple I packed and bringing the other two baggies of fruit home.

There were over 600 people in attendance tonight. Everywhere I turned, someone was commenting on my weight loss. The compliments were numerous. And I had a couple of words of caution, as in "you really shouldn't lose anymore" to which I replied, "I'm not trying to lose anymore!" One gentleman, who listened regularly twenty years ago to my radio show on another radio station, in a different city, came up to the stage tonight to ask if I was the same guy. "I don't forget a voice and your voice is the same but you look completely different." That was a pretty cool experience. He remembered 500 pound me very well. He said he just couldn't believe it and he was proud of me. Again--very cool.

My goal of planning better today was accomplished. I planned well.
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A couple of friends of mine, Bethany and Whitney, at tonight's big party. Both of these young ladies have had wonderful weight loss success stories. Bethany told me of her success, not too long ago--and Whitney once weighed just shy of 200 pounds before she decided to choose change. She's maintained her weight loss for years. Whitney is a long time reader of this blog. Right after Bethany snapped the photo, Whitney said something to the effect of I want to see that picture on the blog!
It isn't the first time she's been on this blog. She bought one of my leather "I'm Choosing Change" adjustable bracelets a few years ago and posed for a picture wearing hers.
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Intentional exercise wasn't in the plan today. If my fitbit actually worked (it's broken), I'm sure it would show a nice activity calorie adjustment. Instead, I can feel the work of the day and night. And that's good enough for me.

I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning until at least 9 or 10am. I have a location broadcast starting at noon. I should be well rested.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Congratulations to Bethany and Whitney! However, you gotta get Whitney a Bama hoodie. Roll Tide!

    As always, thank you, Sean, for the work you do here on your blog. It's always encouraging.


    1. Whitney needs a Bama hoodie, for sure! I mean, I'd likely have to pay her to wear it--but yeah...
      Stephen, you're very welcome--and I must tell you, I've never been more thrilled for you. The turnaround period from relapse/regain can become some of the best experiences, ever... even to the point where you end up being thankful for the relapse/regain. I am! I needed to learn more about me. And boy, did I ever!! Always learning--that never stops.
      Here for you anytime, Stephen, anytime at all.

  2. I really like how you no longer feel the need to explain. You just asked (re the sugar). No big deal. :-)

    1. Retta, it really is a change from my previous behavior where I felt the need to explain. I've learned, as long as I'm polite in the request--no long drawn out explanation is necessary! :)

    Sean, this was a HUGE eye-opener! Thank you for mentioning this resource earlier!

    1. Megan--YES, YES, Yes!!! I'm so happy you visited their site!! It is an invaluable resource. Phil Werdell is an amazing person and so is everyone else at! I've scoured their website and it's all fantastic. Huge eye opener, indeed!


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