Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30th, 2015 In Time

August 30th, 2015 In Time

I've really been in a funk today. It was a reluctant rest day. Does that make sense? In other words, I wasn't planning a rest day--but it's as if my body and mind said, "oh no, you're resting today. Sitting this one out, dude." Pretty cool that my inner voice uses the word, "dude."

I just kind of disconnected in a way. Not completely. I still interacted and exchanged support, I still maintained the integrity of my food plan, staying within my calorie budget and abstaining from sugar--but not much else. No workout today and I failed to hit my water goal. My water goal! I rarely do that. Part of me says, get over there to the kitchen and get it down---and the other part of me says, #@^&***#@!@$#!! You ever feel like that, too?

I did some deep introspective studies today on the dynamics of me before relapse/regain vs. the dynamics of me, today. It's not a match, 100%, but there are enough similarities that I feel it's important to get a handle on a few things before they become issues, again. I'd rather not elaborate on these right now--simply because I don't have time tonight.

I do know that this is normal. There's nothing wrong with me. Mom--if you're reading this, your son is fine! It's just today. And it happens occasionally--especially when I start opening up and examining certain areas of my life, areas I would really like to improve. In time, I suppose, in time.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sending you positive vibes. Your inner dude knows what to do. Hang in there, stay strong and tomorrow will be better. Your mom and grandson are both cuties. You go mom with taking care of yourself, way to go. Sean, some days out thoughts suck and life is full of bumps, but you will over come them.

  2. It must have been in the air. Boy did I feel off kilter myself. Something big is starting to resolve itself. It should be a relief but instead it brings up a lot of old feelings. So I feel ya.

  3. Hey Sean,
    I'm glad you mentioned your inner inner voice calls me 'chicky'..LOL. Anyway, as for everything else, your body is just telling or letting you know what it needs or doesn't need. So if you didn't reach your water goal, that's ok... Maybe it's because you didn't exercise or you ate other foods with water content in them. Not to worry though...I think you're doing amazing and will continue to do so. Just listen to your body...

    1. "Chicky," I like that. We have cool "inner voices!" I agree with you. It was absolutely trying to tell me something. Message received!

  4. Your inner voice just maybe got sick of all the fuss and muss lately. Man, you don't sit down! Time to sit and reflect and enjoy what you've done. Now , does this mean eat a twinkie.. hell no.. but get dressed nicely.. go out dancing and have a drink! Enjoy the new you without thinking all the thoughts.. ! In other words, relax your brain... Dude! :)

    1. I believe there's a happy medium to be found, for sure. I often talk about finding the groove within your food plan--something that isn't a chore or something you dislike--instead it being something enjoyable---yet, I don't apply the same thing to rest and relaxation. And constantly going takes its toll!! Eventually, it must be addressed before it starts sending me in a familiar direction I don't want to go! You're awesome, Rosie!


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