Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3rd, 2015 New Shoes

August 3rd, 2015 New Shoes

Tweets only tonight. Noah is tucked in and sleeping. I'll be getting him up early to go with me to the studio, before taking him to daycare. Must sleep!

I'm really excited about the new running shoes! My plan is the C25K app for my phone. It's an 8 week plan. I can likely start at week three or four and that's good because the 5K I plan on running is in seven weeks,

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Where does a person go to get "fitted shoes" ? You said you received them as a gift. If I were to pay myself are they budget breaking expensive?

    1. Don't all shoe stores fit shoes for you? Measuring your foot etc and recommending the right ones? Come to think of it, the only time I bought high heels in the past ten years or so, they didn't do any kind of fitting. I bought some shoes but they ended up so uncomfortable I couldn't even wear them until the guests arrived, I had to change. So maybe many non-athletic or non-children's stores don't care.

      My local athletic shoe store (called The Athletes Foot I think, here in Australia) always gets you to walk on a bit of floor fitted with a sensor as well as all the usual stuff, and the computer analyses your gait to make sure you have the right shoe and if you roll in or out, or are flat-footed etc.

    2. Nancy, specialty running shoe stores will evaluate your feet and stride to help identify the best shoe. The one we visited put me on a treadmill and video taped me walking/jogging--then, replayed in slow motion in order to analyze the position of my feet throughout the process. It immediately eliminated several possible pair--and the one we decided on, works perfectly.
      Yes--this first pair was a gift from a friend of mine who is about to run the NYC Marathon in November. The initial investment can be anywhere from 140 to 200 dollars for a really good pair.

    3. Natalie--that's right. A good shoe store will do all of that. This one video taped my stride on the treadmill and analyzed it to determine the best shoe. The slow motion replay was pretty cool to watch. Very revealing!!

  2. C25K warning: There's a crazy jump somewhere past the middle where you go from running for a reasonable amount of time to running until you throw up your lungs. DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED!

    1. Jack-- I remember you completing this program a while back. I sincerely appreciate your advice. I'll be looking for that day/moment where it turns me inside out! LOL
      Fantastic to hear from you, Jack! :) Thank you for the smile!!

  3. Have fun with Noah this morning! Sounds like you have a great plan

    1. Suzanne-- the plan didn't go quite as planned. Little man decided he didn't want to all. He's always a joy, though. My goodness, I love that little guy!

  4. I tuned in to listen to your radio show at 10:45 am Saturday. I was surprised I could listen from Texas. I heard you announce "the ribs are ready!" I thought that must be difficult to be near the cooking of ribs when you don't include them in your diet. It is remarkable that you just enjoyed a great cup of coffee during that time! *thumbs up*
    You have a great radio voice, Sean. They are lucky to have you work there.

    1. Megan--thank you for listening!! It really wasn't difficult at all. There are so many things I do eat and enjoy--and that's true by design--that I never really feel deprived. I'm satisfied. So not eating ribs just isn't a thing. They looked amazing and the aroma was out of this world...but I remind myself--I know what they taste like and if I have some, my calorie budget will be severely crippled the rest of the day!
      Thank you for the compliment! I hope the owner reads your words! :) See that up there ^^^ Mr. Coleman?-- lucky!! LOL

    2. Dear Mr. Coleman,
      Mr. Anderson is bringing in additional listeners through facebook for KPNC, his blog, and generally having a enjoyable and entertaining personality assisting your advertisers. You are blessed to have him work at your radio station!
      ~~ Megan~~ A new KPNC listener

  5. Great sneaks! You are so right, you are going to run so much faster now!! My grandson would think your the "bee's knee's!" LOL
    Rosie :)

    1. The test run tonight went very well! The bee's knees!! Oh yeah!


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