Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10th, 2015 Another Picture

September 10th, 2015 Another Picture

In the summer of 1984 I was twelve years old when my uncle and grandpa took me with them on their annual trip to watch the Kansas City Royals play baseball. I was fascinated by the experience. After one of the games, I made my way down in the stands close to the dugout and caught Brett Saberhagen as he was making his way to the locker room, from the bullpen. "Saberhagen, Saberhagen, can I get a picture?" "Sure, but make it quick, kid." He stopped, I took an instant picture and that was that. It was an out of this world brush with one of my childhood sports heroes. The next year he went on to win over 20 games, the Cy Young Award and the World Series.

This morning I had a chance to interview Saberhagen via phone on my radio show. It was pretty cool. Thirty-one years later, I still felt that same excitement I remember feeling in '84. I have an opportunity to meet Saberhagen in person tomorrow evening and participate on a panel style interview discussion about his career and post-career life in front of a live audience. I plan on taking another picture!

I had my first video shoot for the upcoming YouTube series The Winning Loser VLog. It's starting to come together well. I have so many ideas for this series of videos--and then, I got in front of the camera today and realized it might take me a little while to get comfortable in that position. Lucky for me, the professional video production guy who's partnering with me on this project, is very patient. Oh--I'm sure there will be blooper reels at some point.

I can speak and write about the elements of my experience, at length in fact--but put a camera in front of me for a short, focused piece and suddenly I freeze. I'll get more comfortable the more I do it. I love the creative side of things--the writing, the vision--and my partner has the technical expertise to bring it together. We'll see how it unfolds! You'll be the first to know when episode 1 is ready for viewing.

I did not plan my midday food very well at all. Immediately after the video shoot, I had a client meeting/location recording session at a restaurant. This put me back at the studio at nearly 2:30pm. I started getting hungry about 11:30am. I prepared a late lunch in the studio kitchen and it was really good. I was hungry--so it was one of those situations where I had to remind myself to slow down.

This midday situation was a prime circumstance for a good holdover snack. I simply didn't plan ahead well. I will next time. I did make it until lunch, drinking water and remembering the words of Gerri, "nobody has ever starved to death between meals." 

The plan to get in bed at a reasonable time had to be suspended for tonight. I received the updated overnight forecast a little before 4pm. It called for storms after midnight. I'm on call. So I had to make a decision on how to handle this. I decided to go home and get a good nap, enabling me to stay up late tonight. The weather coverage happened just as the forecasters predicted and I'm glad I took that nap. Being up this late will make Friday extra challenging, but I'll do whatever I need to do--except I will not sacrifice the integrity of my plan. I may be leaning heavily on my support friends tomorrow, that's for sure!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Looking forward to your Vlog!

    And loved this reminder: "Nobody has ever starved to death between meals." I need to make a huge sign with those words and stick it up for me to see!

    1. Retta, thank you! We just shot the "introductory" video-- now the real work begins in the writing and producing area!! I watched the first video today and it came out nice. I'm looking forward to many more!!!
      Yes-- that line, told to me by Gerri Helms when I was communicating with her in a situation where I was without food for an extended period of time... because I didn't plan well... As soon as she said that--I was like, you know what, you're right!!!! This is one day--one three hour period---I'm going to make it after all!!
      I can't wait to release the first Vlog--and make some more!!

  2. That's wonderful Sean! Looking forward to seeing the photo of you both together because I know it will be an incredible moment for you!

    1. Oh Jules--thank you--it was awesome, as you know from the next post!!! Dream come true!

  3. Can't wait for the vlog this is the first I've heard of it. You will tell us when's it's ready, won't you?

    1. Oh yes, I will! The VLog will be very interesting to create. I'm really excited about it!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your "Nobody has ever starved to death between meals." Needed to hear that.......

    1. That's good, isn't it? Gerri Helms told me that. It was the truth!


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