Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25th, 2015 Bib Number 500

September 25th, 2015 Bib Number 500

It was a full day at work. We don't have a "nap room," really, but I did take a forty minute snooze in the balcony lobby of the 800 seat theatre where our studios and offices are located. It was necessary for my continued productivity! Typically, on a day like today, I would work a split type schedule--do my radio show, leave mid-morning and come back early afternoon. There wasn't time for this today. I made it work well. 

I picked up my 6th Annual Carter's Run for Autism shirt and bib number this afternoon. My bib number is 500. It'll serve as my official number in the run and as a reminder of how far I've come in my transformation. They didn't have a number 505. Of course I asked!

The run is tomorrow morning and I'm confident I can accomplish what I declared I would do, jog the entire 3.1 miles--the whole 5K, without stopping or walking. I'm so glad I committed to getting ready for this race. Wednesday night's test run on the course was an added boost of confidence. I bought new socks today in preparation. I'll also bandage my heals to prevent any discomfort whatsoever during the jog.

The important thing about tomorrow's run is the cause. Carter and his mom Kelli joined me this morning on my radio show. It was a wonderful interview! Carter is excited and everyone is impressed with the massive turnout of people participating in the 1 mile family fun run, the 5K and 10K. A wonderful amount of money is being raised for autism research and awareness. Last year, this run alone generated enough to fund an entire autism study.

I know a bunch of people participating, plenty of friends, including my doctor!

Instead of another training run today, I decided to simply do a good elliptical workout at the YMCA. I credit the elliptical in helping get my legs ready for training jogs and tomorrow's event.

My production partner finished production on The Winning Loser Video Blog Episode Two a couple of days early. No reason to wait until Sunday evening! I hope you'll watch this episode and if you don't mind, please share it among your social media:

That was fun! I'll elaborate on this video in tomorrow night's edition.

Hitting the pillow late. I spent most of the evening preparing for my stint as a wedding DJ tomorrow evening. Plenty of exercise tomorrow: The 5K jog in the morning and hauling sound equipment to and from the wedding venue tomorrow evening will all add up to a big calorie burn!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading, watching and your continued support,


  1. Good luck with the run!! I'm glad you got the # 500 ! Look what you've done, amazing!

    1. Thank you, Robin! The run was a big success! I'm looking forward to writing about it late tonight! :)

  2. Just watched the video, very good. I'm always surprised by what an incredible speaker you are. Lol. It's just when you've read someone's blog you don't get really who they are until you actually hear them. You're very eloquent.

    1. Thank you for watching the video and ty for the compliments! I'm excited about doing more of these!

  3. Today was the first chance I've had to check out the video blogs. I really like them all, Sean. It looks like you will be including really pertinent and valuable information. I do agree that shorter is probably better, as I found them easier to stay focused. Have followed your blog for quite awhile now and I'm happy to watch your progress and success. I'm 70+ and have been fairly successful at shedding pounds in the past, but rarely have kept it off for any period of time. It's the sugar that gets me. Keep up the great work and thanks for posting your blogs, but loving the new vlogs, too! Signed, Not Giving Up

  4. I'm sure you can relate to the message in this image. Health is very important, but not to be consider the following...
    (I tried to copy the image OF the following message written on a home scale)
    The number on this scale will not tell you:

    * What a great person you are

    * How much your friends and family love you.

    * That you are kind, smart, funny and amazing in ways “numbers” cannot define.

    * That you have the power to choose happiness

    * Your own self worth.

    It’s Just a Number! Really! <3

    BUT... happiness is much easier with good health!

    <3 Megan

  5. Great video, Sean! And you've just given me another great phrase: Simple is Sustainable. Seriously, you should make a list of these words that we can all live by! Shared the video on my Facebook :) Thank you!


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