Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4th, 2015 I Took Two

September 4th, 2015 I Took Two

With my new earlier bedtimes this week, I hadn't napped until today--and I took two. The medications prescribed post-procedure (removal of clogged salivary gland) have had considerable effects. Last night I experienced my first ever hot flash. I was fine one second--then, bam!! Suddenly I broke out in a sweat, instantly feeling uncomfortably hot. I kind of panicked a little, grabbed a thermometer and quickly checked my temp. It was normal. I was nauseous and slightly dizzy, too. Uhg. After my radio show this morning, I felt ill, so I made my way home for a midday rest.

I started feeling better mid-afternoon in time to return to the studio for a little while, before running some errands and heading home for nap #2. I've been advised to be okay with taking two rest days in a row. I'm choosing to be okay--although the 5K for autism is coming up fast on the 26th and I'm not ready!!! I'm looking forward to resuming my exercise schedule tomorrow afternoon at the YMCA. It's interesting how a tiny little salivary gland can wreak so much havoc! 

I got up late this evening and started preparing a late dinner. I rarely buy the typically expensive orange roughy, but it was on sale--so a treat was in order! It is the best white fish I've ever tasted. It's much better than the less expensive tilapia I normally eat. Dinner was amazing tonight. I actually look forward to getting into the kitchen and preparing meals. It wasn't always that way. Once upon a time, convenience trumped cooking/preparing any day of the week. Now, my perspective has completed a 180. I actually prefer preparing my own meals over dining out. I get excited about assembling a good plate of food that checks in within the boundaries of my fundamental elements.

I'm getting in bed much later tonight. But it's okay, because the alarm will be set three and a half hours later in the morning. I have a location broadcast late morning from a grocery store's "massive meat sale," and I'll not only be broadcasting the deals, I'll be looking for some super inexpensive sirloins!

 photo Selfie20night_zpsk0fsvnqm.jpg
Do you have a copy of my book? If not, I have a special offer posted in the upper left hand side of this blog page. Click the secure PayPal donate button and donate $25 or more to this blog and I'll send you a special gift package in appreciation! Your package will include a signed paperback copy of Transformation Road-My Trip To Over 500 Pounds and Back--PLUS the unabridged audio version on a convenient MP3 playable/downloadable disc! It's the same professionally produced audio version offered by Amazon's! And I'll handle the shipping anywhere in the world at no extra cost to you!! That's a deal! I sincerely thank you in advance. Please include your email address when you check out so I can send you a personal thank you!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Have you tried swai fish? I buy these at my local Aldi's they are in the frozen fish section and relatively inexpensive. IMO much better tasting than tilapia for the same price. Maybe as good as orange roughy.

    I already have your books but would like to get the MP3 playable/downloadable disk. What I am really looking forward too is when you publish another book. I also think one day in the not too distant future, perhaps a book on your entire blog including the comment sections. How cool would that be?

    1. Jon-- Missed your call yesterday. I'll try you a little later this afternoon. I tried the Swai once and maybe i didn't prepare it well. I think I grilled it. I may need to give it another try.
      Hey-- you took care of me in Vegas last year--I'll happily send you the MP3 disc, Jon! Least I could do! You're on the shipping list!
      I'm really looking forward to writing that book, too. I'm starting to develop a few projects I'm really excited about. Time to stop dreaming and start doing, right?
      The book based on the blog isn't a bad idea. It would need to be condensed though--with nearly 1300 individual blog pages, it would be the biggest book ever! LOL
      Looking forward to our next chat, my friend. Take care!! And let's do our best to connect later today.

    2. What's your total pounds lost to date? Inquiring minds want to know! (just received a message asking this question).

    3. Here is my weight loss recap copied over from spark. To be honest my calorie intake has been closer to 3500 this summer but still loosing the target 1 pound per week & have been more active than ever averaging over 15,000 steps just the past 2 weeks.

    4. July 2012-550 highest recorded weight

      January 2013- quit all artificial Sweeteners, at unknown weight.

      7/10/13- 525 pounds

      12/20/13 - Having lost 25 pounds since July, I decided to Eliminated all sugar except from fruit. Official start to changed eating habits. No sugar and no artificial sweeteners.

      Other Information:
      12/20/13 -500
      12/26/13- 486
      01/02/14- 487
      Increased more good
      fat and eliminated most wheat and starch.
      01/13/14- 480
      01/19/14- 471
      01/25/14- 467
      01/31/14- 463
      02/12/14- 458
      02/18/14- 453
      02/24/14- 444
      03/02/14- 446
      4/05/14- 443
      4/12/14- 434
      4/24/14- 431
      5/04/14- 429
      5/12/14- 425
      5/25/14- 421
      6/11/14- 412
      7/02/14 - 406
      7/23/14 - 401
      8/13/14 - 394
      9/03/14 - 387
      9/24/14 - 380
      10/22/14 - 377
      11/05/14 - 370
      11/26/14- 369
      12/17/14 - 367
      12/20 1 year
      1/07/15 - 365
      1/28/15 - 362
      2/18/15 - 361
      3/11/15 - 357.2
      4/01/15 - 355.0
      4/22/15 - 350.8
      5/13/15 - 342.0
      6/03/15 - 342.4
      6/24/15 - 340.6
      7/15/15 - 340.2
      8/05/15 - 333.8
      8/26/15 - 335.8
      9/04/15- 331.8

  2. I no longer eat tilapia anymore and now the same information about shrimp is coming out. See most of this seafood comes from China. Research it for yourself. We do have a farmer's market here where I can buy farm raised shrimp. It is much higher in price then the stuff I was buying but I just couldn't stomach this crap being sold to us which is imported from China. You 'll have to read up on this.

    1. Robin, I've heard about this--for sure. The kind I buy says "farm raised" in Indonesia. Huh... Interesting. I'll read up on it.
      Thank you for the information!

  3. Replies
    1. You're not the first to say that. That's what I hear.

  4. If your pain tolerance can stand it, you might try taking advil instead of the prescription pain meds-- no sweats, no nausea! Keep taking great care of yourself!

    1. Agreed, 100% No more of the pain meds--I just can't tolerate them..messes with me horribly.
      Thank you, A!

  5. Your food always looks good and appeals to me. I wish I felt the way you did about preparing food. I have no idea why, but I avoid the kitchen like nobody's business. I know in order to lose my weight, I need to change my attitude and get in there. I just haven't been able to do it yet, but I will keep trying. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. LTR, it takes some practice for sure. I was the same way for a very long time. It does take a shift in attitude and perspective. I really enjoy it now. I look at the time I spend preparing the food as honoring the commitment I've made in taking good care. And it's delicious--because I'm not preparing anything I don't enjoy. I don't eat anything just because I think it's "healthy" or will help me lose weight. If I don't like it, I don't make it. It's all apart of finding that groove I can embrace and enjoy indefinitely, not just until a goal of some sort.
      LTR-- never give up. You said it... "I will keep trying."
      Thank you--I am feeling much better tonight!

    2. LTR, one thing I do while preparing food is listen to interesting podcasts. This keeps me intellectually engaged and prevents boredom without diverting my attention away from food preparation tasks.


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