Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8th, 2015 Because It Does

September 8th, 2015 Because It Does

It's been a super long day. I've committed to give my sleep schedule the same importance level as my abstinence from refined sugar.

Before I committed to abstinence from refined sugar, I heard from several who were living it and had for many years. Their experiences were all strikingly similar--the peace, the calm--the urges to binge fade away, and everyone of them had successful weight maintenance in common.

Now I'm hearing from and reaching out to people who give their rest the same importance level. And they're all describing strikingly similar benefits, as you might imagine. And everyone of them seem to have greater focus and getting more done each day, in common.

I didn't fully appreciate the words and experiences of the sugar abstinent until I gave it an honest try. Then, everything I was told about it was explicitly/similarly confirmed. And I've been abstinent for over 500 days. I protect it like my life depends on it. Because it does.

If I'm going to fully appreciate what the well rested crowd enjoy each day, I must give it an honest shot and the same importance level. I have a feeling everything I've heard about it will be explicitly/similarly confirmed. 

I'm going to protect it like my quality of life depends on it. Because it does.

Goodnight! I'm letting the tweets take it the rest of the way tonight.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Good going Sean! Sleep deprivation has been my Achilles heel I'm afraid but I am slowly getting back on track. Mmmm Fajita Steak & Zucchini Crispy Tacos, I see them in my near future!

    1. Jules, Thank you. It's (sleep issue) one of those things I just can't keep on ignoring. I know it's possible to do the things I want to do IF I make this element critically important. If I don't, I'll continue the same patterns that bring me the same things, which isn't all bad-- I acknowledge, I've done well, considering. But not what I feel I'm capable of doing. A little more rest--a little better time management--a little more organizational skills---and I believe, the difference will be profound.
      Please try the steak and/or chicken and zucchini crispy tacos!! Oh my--one of my favorite meals, for sure!

  2. Congratulations on choosing sleep management! Good luck with that and be a big huge plus if you can eliminate any need to take naps. . Since I am replying at 3:45 AM I obviously have a huge problem in this area and could use improvement. Perhaps I am programed different as I survived one day this past week with no sleep at all very well & have not taken a nap in over 20 years regardless how much or little sleep I get the day before. Lack of sleep disrupts my normal healthy eating habits greatly.

    1. Jon, I honestly don't know how you do what you do, my friend. Especially considering the amount of physical activity your life demands. Your last line here is a BIG one... "Lack of sleep disrupts my normal healthy eating habits greatly."
      I hope you'll join me in giving more rest a higher importance level. I truly believe it will make a significantly positive impact for the two of us in really BIG ways.

  3. So have you given up naps and do you have a goal on the amount you wish to sleep each night?

    1. I will still use a nap if it's truly needed. But I'm discovering if I get enough sleep--it provides enough energy to make it through without the nap. It will just depend on my schedule.

  4. Have you done a post about giving up sugar and how you did it?
    Thank you,
    I'm just starting my journey need help : )

    1. Liz-- read this entry for June 30th 2014:

      Also--find more posts about sugar by entering search terms in the upper left hand search box of this blog. It will pick several posts that discuss sugar abstinence.

      I'm thrilled for you, Liz!!!! Welcome to the beginning of your transformation!!!

  5. What is the brand of alfredo sauce that you use?

    1. Brandi-- two different kinds. Walmart's Great Value plain alfredo is a low cal option at only 50 cal per serving.
      Bertolli reduced fat alfredo checks in at 60 cal per serving, If I remember correctly. Thanks for asking!


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