Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15th, 2015 Help Me Find This Person, Please

October 15th, 2015 Help Me Find This Person, Please

No luck today in locating the lady with the dog that bit me Wednesday morning at approximately 6:40am near the intersection of First and Grand Avenue in downtown Ponca City. There's considerable conversation around the area about it, though. And maybe that will eventually reach her. I visited a downtown veterinary hospital this afternoon and was immediately greeted with, "I know why you're here. We've had several calls about it today and we don't know who it could be, either."

I'm not stressing out too much. Although a simple Google search brought up the horrific consequences if the dog had rabies. I truly wasn't fully aware before doing that this morning. There's a window of time, from a week or two to a month or maybe more, where you can get the rabies shots and be okay. But once symptoms start, there's no treatment and death is certain.

I have some time to locate her before I will need to either get the series of rabies shots or trust that she was being honest when she said the dog was vaccinated. I hate it that a potentially life or death thing will be left up to trusting the word of a stranger. 

But really, based on snap judgment, logic and simple profiling, she's likely telling the truth.

Here's an older lady who cares enough about her little pooches to take them for an early morning walk downtown, on leashes. She appeared to be reasonably sane and well put together, wearing athletic shoes that might indicate she's regularly active and takes good care of herself. Those little dogs are likely treated like loving family members. With all things considered, I'm 98% certain this little dog was properly vaccinated. But it's that 2% chance that she might say anything if she feared losing her precious dog or feared being sued.

I'm not interested in anything other than peace of mind in knowing the dog was properly vaccinated. I don't care about the jeans or the urgent care co-pay. I just want to fill the gap between 98 and 100% certainty, you know what I mean? 

What a tough lesson. I was thinking about it today. If someone crashed into my car, I wouldn't dare think of blowing it off--no matter how in shock I might be in a situation like that--it simply goes without saying--if you damage my car, we must exchange insurance information at the very least--and if it's more serious, we must call the police. But make it my body and my life, instead of a car that can be repaired or replaced, and I let it go???? That's crazy.

Well, I suppose this has been running in my background all day long. I haven't let it affect my resolve in taking extraordinary care, and that's good. I do plan on continuing my on-air appeal each morning--but now with a less comical approach, instead a serious--help me find this person, please, type delivery.

I had a really good day, otherwise. I ate well and had a great workout at the YMCA. I intentionally nailed my calorie budget of 2300 and exceeded my minimum water goal by three cups. "The condition" seems to be improving.

I'm up late handling weather coverage for the radio stations. As long as these storms remain at less than severe status, I'll be in bed soon. If they intensify and go severe, it could be a long night. Let's hope for decreased intensity and gradual dissipation.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. We don't have rabies in Australia, at least not in dogs, apparently some bats have it but it's very rare for them to bite a human. A friend's sister was bitten by a monkey overseas and that was very scary because, as you say, it can be fatal. She was ok, luckily, but that was a frightening wait. I think you should get the shots just in case. Why risk it?

    1. Natalie, thank you. Bitten by a monkey!! OUCH. I spoke with a couple of people, a vet and the humane society director--and I feel much better now about this whole thing. The chances are slim to none of a domesticated animal--likely kept indoors most of the time, contracting rabies. I would love to be reassured by proof of vaccinations--but even without, I truly believe everything will be fine.

  2. I'm sorry Sean. I didn't want to startle you, but I did want you fully aware of the possibilities. I hope that somehow she comes forward just to put your mind at ease. In CA, rabies shots are legally required. Of course people break the law. I don't know if they are required there, but one would hope a woman of her age would want to keep her pets safely vaccinated.

    1. Thank you, Gwen. I needed to know the seriousness of the possibilities. Thankfully, all of the clues surrounding this mystery woman and her dog, point toward very VERY slim to none chances of me being in any danger. I'm feeling very well about it.

  3. Man that's scary :( I hope she comes forward. She's probably so embarrassed now. Can you get the rabbies vaccine as a precaution? Also am I the only one missing what "your condition" is? Did I miss a post? Regardless I hope it's better soon.
    I'm continually impressed with your dedication to your health and eating. Despite some very rough times lately, you just keeping doing you- I love it!! So inspiring :)

    1. Valerie, I honestly don't think the rabies shots will be necessary based on considering everything. I spoke with a vet and a humane society director today and they gave me some better perspective into the extremely rare and small chances of me being in any danger...and they work with animals every day. I feel much better after those conversations.
      The condition--oh my... I've been vague for a reason! Although I have had posts in the last couple of weeks--and especially in the comments section, that comes right out and identifies it. It's one of those ailments that could be considered TMI--having to do with my rear end. LOL
      Keep on keeping on--Val, it all goes back to my parallel streams philosophy. Life is going to come at us in a variety of ways. If I sacrifice my fundamental elements stream when my life stream gets turbulent, #1--it won't improve my life stream situation. and #2-- For me, it would mean a return to the worst behaviors with food--and that always results in significant weight gain. Maintaining the integrity of my plan come what may is one of the biggest challenges worthy of my focus. It's imperative for continued success along this road.
      Thank you!!!!

  4. Hi. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I read here often, but this is my first time commenting. I had rabies shots as a little girl, over 40 years ago. I tried to save a small animal in distress and he bit me -- I guess it was his way of saying thanks. Because I dropped him and he ran away, there was no way to test the ungrateful creature for rabies, so my parents had no option but to have me vaccinated. At the time the vaccine consisted of 14 shots -- one shot every day for two weeks. It was somewhat painful, but not unbearable. The Mayo Clinic website has information on the current course of treatment for a case like yours. Fortunately, they've made some strides in rabies vaccine treatment and the series is now limited to either 3 or 5 shots over a one month period. You might get some peace of mind with a quick trip to your doctor. Best of luck to you and thank you for all your good work.

    1. Long time reader, first time commenter... :) Thank you for your readership, Anonymous!
      Oh my-- I can't imagine how horrible that must have been for you as a little girl. Certainly necessary in that situation.
      I did read up on the current course of treatment--and aside from the expense (2-7 thousand dollars according to one source), it seems they've dramatically improved the treatment.
      I received counsel from a vet and a humane society director today and both really gave me some valuable perspective. I feel much better now about the whole thing. I would still like to be 100% certain... but instead of 98%, I'm 99.9%... that .1% is still a little uncomfortable...but realistically, It all points in a positive direction.
      Had it been a stray or wild animal--no question, I would have already started treatment...but given this was domesticated, likely indoor pet...cared for by an owner who obviously loves her little guys... the chances of it being bad are slim to none.
      My mind was quick to examine all of the worst possibilities, of course-- and I really had to stop that line of thinking. It was getting to me. I believe I'm lucky on this one.
      Thank you again for the comment. And thank you for reading!

  5. Remember to use your phone to take pictures from here on out. No matter what - put that on a "have to do" list for anything out of the usual that is happening. You can always delete them if not relevant. They advise taking pictures if there is any kind of accident with your car - and I would apply it to anything out of the ordinary. I took a picture outside the Dr's office the other day because there was a man that didn't seem to be working for them - fooling with the outside lights. I got at a safe distance and took pics with my camera. Nothing happened or was broadcast for the next 3 days, so I erased the pics. If something happens to us - it could be needed to have pictures.

    1. Excellent advice, Nancy. Thank you. You're right--pictures are perfect in so many situations. I think I'm super lucky in this situation. She hasn't been found--but still, it looks really really good--with all clues pointing toward not worrying too much at all. I'm calmer today.

  6. Sean, so sorry you are going through this. I have the feeling she was telling the truth too, but maybe isn't coming forward because of fear of being sued. Your understanding attitude and disclaimer should make that easier for her, but I am praying for your safety and health nonetheless. Can you take the shots as a precaution, just in case? Glad you are taking care of yourself and I am hoping your radio audience and supportive friends will continue to get the word out, so she will come forward. She is probably a nice person with healthy dogs...and just scared. Praying for your health. Shirley from TN

    1. Shirley, thank you. After visiting with a vet and the humane society director, I feel much much better about this whole deal. The chances of something bad coming from this isn't 2% like I thought---probably more like .1%, given the facts-- a domesticated animal, small dog--likely an inside dog--well cared for by a loving owner---the chance of her not having the vaccinations is super slim...and even still, the chance of it contracting rabies in a sheltered environment like that is slim to none.
      The treatment is thousands of dollars, apparently--and I agree, my life is worth every penny and more--still, I have to look at the facts of the situation... Had this been a stray or wild animal--then no question... But since it is what it is... I'm likely fine.
      Thank you for your prayers.
      You're so awesome, Shirley.

  7. If someone else has already suggested this or you've already done it just ignore this: is it possible you can for many days in a row be at the exact same place at the exact same time or even for a good chunk of the day to see if she shows up again? if she's a regular walker with her dogs maybe she takes the same route every day? I agree with what the anonymous person said right above...she's probably scared of being sued and avoiding any chance of that. Yikes -- I hope you don't have to get rabies shots but considering the alternative - thank god we have rabies shots. =)

    1. Great suggestion. I'm lucky in that it happened right outside my studio window--so I'm there 5 days a week at that same time--and believe me, I've been paying attention closely. Just because, I think I will take off the first hour of my show on Monday and simply cruise the immediately area looking for her. I'm not too overly concerned at this point after some good perspective given me today by a vet and the humane society director. Had it been a stray or wild--different story!!

  8. Sean, so sorry you are going through this! I have a feeling that it is fine but can understand how you want to be sure. I bet the woman will turn up somehow. And think about this...we are all trained on what kind of information to get if we are in a car accident, bun NOT for the situation you experienced. Don't be too hard on yourself.


    1. Thank you, Dede! I'm better now, truly. Spoke with a vet and the humane society director today. I feel much better.

  9. Sorry you are going through this. My city has an "exchange" on Facebook where people can post. Maybe you could post the description and a neighbor would help ID the person/Dog combo? Put a promo on the radio? Good luck and hope that you don't have to have the shots.
    Maybe show up at Senior Centers, etc Or assisted living centers or over 55 living communities. Those people know their owners pets.

    Take care. Karen P

    1. Thank you for the suggestions, Karen! I did visit an assisted living center close by this morning--and they didn't know of anyone that fit the description.
      However, after some counsel from a vet and the humane society director, I feel much better about this whole thing.
      I do have a plan for Monday morning. I'm going to have the first hour of my show covered by a colleague while I cruise the area looking for her and her dogs. Chances are good that she routinely walks her dogs at the same time--and she's likely not walking past the studio anymore because of the incident--but, she's likely in the area at that same time.
      I've talked about it for three mornings in a row on my show. I'm looking forward to some resolution.
      But, after my talk with the professionals this morning--I feel much more confident even if I don't find her.
      Thank you, again, Karen!


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