Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 31st, 2015 No Candy Fare Needed

October 31st, 2015 No Candy Fare Needed

When my daughters were little, we bundled them up and took them trick or treating every year. At over 500 pounds, I couldn't walk too far in one stretch. I watched from the car as Irene took them from house to house. I would pick them up at the end of each block then ask for a candy bar as a "fare" to the next block. Horrible, I know. It happened. Not proud of it, their 500 pound father basically demanding candy to continue--uhg... but now, two decades later, we can recall, smile and even laugh about those times.

Tonight was Noah's first turn at trick or treating. None of us wanted to miss it, so we all went along. It was seven adults and one of the most adorable Tiggers making our way around, gathering candy. Both of my daughters, Irene and a few others came along. Noah wasn't sure about it at first, but he quickly figured out that this was likely the greatest thing of all time. People open their door and give me candy, for free? It wasn't long before he was literally running from house to house.

There wasn't any of the old driving as they walked, business. We parked and all of us walked. At one point, far away from where the cars were waiting, I literally ran two and a half blocks back to mine to quickly shuttle Noah to the next area. No candy-fare needed. That kind of physical freedom feels incredible.

Afterward, we all gathered for dinner at the Mexican restaurant closest to my apartment. I was shocked at how well Noah, at two years, knows how to use his Nana's smart phone. He was watching kids videos after a little while, swipe through some other options with his cute little fingers, then start a different swipe...start another and watch some more. Fascinating how the device is so intuitively designed, a two year old can figure it out.

Today was a great day all the way around. I caught up on some rest, exercised well at the YMCA, maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, exceeded my water goal and continued to hold sacred my abstinence from refined sugar.

This is the second Halloween in a row without some kind of candy going in my face. A candy-less Halloween is something I couldn't imagine two decades ago. I can honestly say it isn't even a question or a temptation at this point. I don't consume refined sugar, period. It's just a fact. It's not "I try to stay away from refined sugar," or "I do my best to not eat sugar," or "I usually don't eat refined sugar." It's "I don't consume refined sugar." I treat it very much like I'm allergic and the reaction would surely kill me. And really, that's not too far removed from the truth when you think about it. If I eat refined sugar, I will relapse--and if I relapse, I will gain weight rapidly--and if I ever go back to those much higher weights, 350, 400 or 500 pounds, eventually it will kill me.

I wrote a Facebook micro-blog today:

This search many of us are on, isn't for anything external. Ultimately, what is found lives within us. The perspectives needed for positive change lie in wait of our discoveries along the way. Each perspective is waiting its turn to enlighten. The search, when redefined, becomes a self-study full of trial and error. The epiphanies that come with our consistent pursuit, reveal the secrets hibernating within our heart, mind and soul. And then we realize, our search was ultimately for the belief that it was within us the entire time. Once we believe it's in there, on a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level, we transform. And we do because the limiting thoughts we once embraced, are exchanged for limitless possibilities.

Someone commented, "A little verbose, but true." 

I invented verbose, of course it is! I'm intentionally verbose most of the time. How many ways can I say this, or how much clarity can I give this thought? It's part of my writing style. I could have refined it down to a sentence or two, but that's not much fun for me. I enjoy my verbosity.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Such a cute Tigger and Halloween fun. This was the first time that I didn't buy Halloween candy. Family wasn't to happy about it because everyone comes to my house use to buy extra candy for family. It use to be pig out night, I knew I had to end it. In the end everyone supported me in my decision. I did have anxiety but went for a long walk then out with my husband for a healthy dinner and to a movie. Popcorn doesn't tempt me. Hard to change old ways and I didn't want to upset family. I'm glad I did change and had a wonderful evening.

  2. Wow! I can really relate to this. I would take my three daughters trick or treating many years with me driving the truck around. When they were getting tired, I urged them on we can get more candy before calling it a night. Afterwards we would split the candy four ways getting my share and often more. October was always the month I could stack up on my favorite candy. I would by buy the case at Sam's Club or off Amazon, recess peanut butter cups, Hershey chocolate with almonds, mr goodbar a few others. This candy feeding frenzy lasted through the holidays until I had no choice but try to start loosing all the extra weight I just put on by January. I ate so much candy and diet soda it was a miracle I avoided any major health problems all those years in the 400's & 500's.

    Thankfully I celebrated my 2nd strait Halloween sugar free, this one was especially good since it was nutritionally perfect without one gram of sugar or any trace of artificial sweeteners. With the 200's in sight, I could not imagine eating another candy bar again unless its my occasional treat of 85% or greater dark chocolate.

    Congratulations to you Sean for your continued commitment to avoid added sugar as IMO it is the centerpiece to our success.

  3. Sean, I didn't think it was verbose at all. I thought it very well thought out. I was thinking about candy, (actually obsessing about whether I would eat the candy or not) and it occurred to me that it is not NORMAL to be drowning in the candy. It is just our culture, the choices we make. There is nothing strange our overly heroic if I stay away from it. It is just another way of living on this planet. Eat the candy, don't eat the candy. But know that the decision results in a chemical process each way. And the eating the candy process is not pretty. Also, times like this I try to get myself to have some perspective. I try to tell myself that if I were one of those refugees fleeing war, I would have more important things to worry about. I know that type of thinking can sound crazy, but it actually relaxes me and gives me pause. Keep up the great life!

  4. Hi Sean- great post. for me every Halloween it's not about the candy (I've never been a candy person) but it's the food frenzy. We go to a large party with all of the families of the boys and there's pizza, Italian beef, every appetizer and dessert imaginable. And every year I have to talk myself up about the pizza. Even though there are always veggie trays that's not what I end up gravitating towards. So my friend who is the hostess lost 30 lbs this year - I sent her an email saying "since I know you're not eating pizza and I'm not eating pizza and there may be others, do you want me to pick up some chicken and salad?" Her response was - "I'm getting salmon from Costco and someone is making salad and grilled veggies". Awesome. And guess what -- looking around the table most of the adults were eating salmon. I think if you provide the alternative people will have it. It was delicious and lucky me she gave me the leftovers! Thanks for your blog! -Beth

  5. This comment is actually in response to your sugared coffee episode. My husband is a recovering alcoholic with 24 years' sobriety. He takes his recovery very seriously and attends AA meetings regularly.

    This summer we were visiting friends. My husband took a drink of what he thought was his glass of diet coke, but instead it was ourfriend's rum and coke. He immediately spit it out and rinsed his mouth, but all of a sudden he felt weak and sick and had to lay down. He was fine after 15 minutes or so.

    Your coffee story reminded me of this episode. In my opinion your sugar abstinence is the same as my husband's alcohol abstinence. Truly a matter of life and death.


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