Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25th, 2015 For All The Good Reasons

November 25th, 2015 For All The Good Reasons

Sure, I would have preferred a slight down tick or perhaps the same on the scale today. But really, that's asking a lot. The numbers from the past four maintenance weigh-ins suggest a balancing act. It doesn't feel like that at all. I'm just doing what I do. I'm eating well and at a level for maintenance, not weight loss. The .8 gain this morning is not a huge concern. It's reflective of a continued commitment to the fundamental elements bringing me this far.

But this is two .8 pound gains in a row!!

Sure, it is...but remember what I'm capable of gaining if I were to strip away all of what I make important each day. This number represents a comfortable range.
 photo 214.8 weigh in_zpsp6m97t7b.jpg
 photo weigh days 6 weeks_zpsj6bwajxe.jpg
The last four maintenance weigh-ins show a 1.8 pound overall gain. I'm catching it at the uptick times--because knowing how our bodies naturally fluctuate, I'm sure there's a low in there somewhere, I'm just not catching it on that morning. I suppose if I was a daily weigher, I'd know. Every two weeks works for me. I'm not changing that. And I'm not changing anything I'm doing, other than changing my workout routines and frequency. The food plan--boundaries, non-negotiable elements--those remain the same.

I'm ready for a good Thanksgiving. Tomorrow will be a day filled with gratitude, visiting with family and enjoying a really good meal. Rather than adding 1,000 calories to my budget as in years past, I'm only adding 300 tomorrow. 2600 should work well. I enjoyed Thanksgiving last year and finished the day at 1,960, so 2600 is ample room. I may not even use that--it depends. My abstinence from refined sugar makes it much more doable to stick a lower count. 

The main thing for me tomorrow will be maintaining the integrity of my plan as I do each and every day. I will log everything, tweet everything, all day--I will exercise well, likely a 5K in the park and I will remain in contact with friends in support.

I'm excited about tomorrow for all the good reasons.

Today was busy, punctuated with a midday location broadcast. It was late when I made it back home--after 4:30pm, and I immediately grabbed a nap. I had been looking forward to this nap all day.

I'm off work from radio tomorrow. I plan on sleeping in some, then cooking throughout the morning before heading to the lodge across town where we're all (bunch of family!) getting together.

My workout tonight was better. After admitting to the trainer my less than all effort when I'm alone, I intentionally tried a little harder. It worked well, although it doesn't seem to be as intense, still. It was an improvement. Progress beats perfection. Consistency beats intensity. I'm going for consistent progress.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Robin! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. Sean I think once you start weight lifting you will have to move to the tape measure as a better guide to progress. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving.LN

    1. LN, Thank you very much! I hope yours is awesome, too!


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