Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st, 2015 It Was Still Good

December 1st, 2015 It Was Still Good

Today went a little long all the way around. My radio show went long. My midday nap went a little long. My weight training session didn't go long, but I seemed to take too long getting home. I took the weight loss support group conference call too long and my late night production session was an hour longer than I expected. It's crazy late. Long day equals short night. And that's not good for me.

The weight training session was excellent for me. My goodness. What I love most is how I can do some (not all) of the different movements right here in my apartment. I'm learning some valuable things at the gym!

I did machine assisted pull-ups today. That was a first!

Enjoyed some great food, excellent support interactions and now I'm hitting the pillow with the confidence that comes with another really good day. Even if most everything went on a little too long. It was still good.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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