Thursday, December 24, 2015

December 24th, 2015 He's Going To Flip!

December 24th, 2015 He's Going To Flip!

My insistence on doing a round of strength training yesterday set me back today. My left side ribs were healing quickly, without pain, until I did those. I made it through the afternoon, finished my shopping and finally realized I had to take something for pain and get some more rest. I cancelled my planned trip to see family in Stillwater. I'll see some of them tomorrow at Christmas dinner.

Aside from navigating a couple of stores packed with last minute shoppers like me, I spent my entire Christmas Eve alone. It was strange. It was my choice, couldn't help it. Every movement of my chest hurt. I'm glad I finally broke down and took some pain medicine. I took a nap immediately after and woke without pain. It's cardio only for me until this bruised rib or cracked rib--or whatever it is, heals. I suppose I could focus exclusively on lower body movements.

I'll be up early tomorrow morning. I have gifts to wrap before the big family gathering at Irene and Allen's house. I'm also preparing my highly requested family offering--Macaroni and Cheese. Preparing this dish, for me, is like handling plutonium. I'll be chewing sugar free gum in an effort to avoid mindless tasting and licking. It's loaded: Flour, butter, heavy whipping cream, elbow macaroni and four cups of cheese. It's thick, creamy and loaded. I'll likely eat a very small portion during dinner. Everyone else will love it, I guarantee.  

I'm not adding calories to my budget tomorrow. My weight maintenance budget of 2300 calories per day is sufficient.

I plan on walking a 5K after dinner. This 5K walk has become a major holiday tradition for me that started with Thanksgiving 2008.

I can't wait to watch my grandson Noah open his gifts tomorrow. He's going to flip!

Christmas Eve has always been a big deal in the Anderson family. Today was very different. I made sure to interact with a couple of support friends. I had numerous phone conversations with family members and I made the time to prepare good food.

Today was different but it wasn't bad. I just couldn't get comfortable with the rib pain persisting. Historically, I'm very much a wimp when it comes to pain, I'll admit it. Ask any of my family members, they'll tell you!

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas filled with incredible blessings.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Merry Christmas and Safe travels today. Interesting that you still make a dish that exposes yourself to such a past triggering food.

    I had to stop baking and making the old stuff- although I can still cook things with dairy for my daughter- baking and making my trigger food (as is going inside candy stores) is on my do not do list.

    I can sense the line, I know everyone's line is different. Good luck and here's to another food sober holiday. You know I'll be abstaining. :) Karen P

    1. I make it once or twice a year. And I handle it with extreme care and caution. I'll present it to the family, they'll enjoy it--and they will keep the leftovers.
      Yes--another food sober holiday indeed!!! My non-negotiable boundaries are in place, firm.
      Karen, thank you for the support. I know you will be abstaining and food sober, right along with me!

  2. Merry Christmas Sean!!!

    > It's cardio only for me until this bruised rib
    > or cracked rib--or whatever it is, heals.

    "Only" seems black or white.
    > I suppose I could focus exclusively on lower body movements.

    There you go. You could. Also, if it is a 'bruise' sooner rather than later will expedite healing. If it is cracked, that's another kettle of fish and your healthcare provides advice is a great way to go.

    You can do this man! Pain that isn't damaging is an area of whimp-dom for you. What does that men now to you, your support team, and where you want to go?

    Good luck, and again sorry about the injury....getting hurt can really shift things around. Hope you shift well.

    1. >.. You can do this man! Pain that isn't damaging is an area of whimp-dom for you. What does that MEAN now to you, your support team, and where you want to go? ..

      I almost always neglect editing my own comments, and in looking back and re-reading them...I really should take a minute and edit what I write. :) Good intentions and all...

    2. Thank you, A! I'm managing fairly well without too many complaints. I can do lower body stuff, easily--and let the upper body--whatever it is going on, heal.
      I've really got to evaluate where I want to go, physically--then commit 100% to moving in that direction.
      The support team is behind me, 100%--in whatever I decide. I'm certain of this.

    3. A! = A.K.A. --Chris

      As a side note, you are a very important part of my keeping my own well being in mind. I appreciate your public efforts, certainly it's bring you along to a better place. Your giving back to the public is also bring me along to a better place too. Thank you.


  3. Merry Christmas Sean!


    1. Lynn, Merry Christmas!! I'm so glad you're back! I hope today was wonderful for you!


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