Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8th, 2015 It Never Fails

December 8th, 2015 It Never Fails

Today was a good day despite a couple different kinds of stress making its way through me. Leaning on support during stressful times makes a monumental difference. I didn't necessarily feel my resolve threatened at any point, but I've learned it's best to engage support before it gets to that point. I sent a couple of text messages, enjoyed a brief phone chat, took some personal moments in spiritual meditation, participated in an amazing support group conference call, read a couple of my favorite bloggers and I made sure to keep my disciplines close and tight. My awareness level was on high alert. It worked. I'm here. And I'm feeling great.

Today was pineapple day. I cut up a pineapple and enjoyed it a few different times. It was a perfect pineapple. It's all over the live-tweets below.

I almost passed on my workout tonight. I'm glad I didn't. I needed the bio-chemical benefits of a great workout. I've never regretted a good workout. Even if I'm not feeling it at all--not a tiny bit, still-- I walk away happy I followed through. It never fails.

I have a very special holiday offer for you! If you already have a copy of my book Transformation Road-My Trip To Over 500 Pounds and Back, might you know someone who would appreciate a copy of the paperback and audio version as a gift? And if you don't have a signed copy and the audio version--how about a gift from you to YOU?

Here's the offer:

With a donation of $30 or more, You'll receive a signed paperback copy of Transformation Road and the entire unabridged audio version on mp3 disc. Any additional donation increments of $30 will include an additional signed copy of the paperback and mp3 disc of the unabridged audio version. This offer includes shipping anywhere in the world. Please be sure to include an email address so I can properly express my gratitude!

Also, if you're giving this to someone or several people, as gifts, email their shipping information to transformation.road@gmail.com And I'll include a greeting card with a personal message in each package!

Donating is simple! Just click the secure PayPal donate button on the upper left hand side of this blog. You do not need a PayPal account to donate!

Thank you for your generous support!

Tomorrow morning is maintenance weigh-in day at the doctor's office! We'll see how that goes in tomorrow night's edition.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I just opened a Twitter account to keep a pictorial diary of my food and exercise. Hey... Imitation is the sincerest for of flattery!!!
    I hope it helps to keep me aware and honest in my entries.

    1. Lee, that's fantastic!!! It's made a monumental positive impact for me. I hope you find the same!

  2. Replies
    1. OMGoodness, Natalie--it was so juicy sweet, perfectly ripe. Couldn't have been better! :)


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