Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29th, 2016 Bring Joy

January 29th, 2016 Bring Joy

Today was a long day. It was highlighted by finishing up a big project at work and a nice visit from Noah, mid-afternoon. I put some headphones on him and gave him a microphone and he immediately started talking... "love you," and " do you do?" (See Tweet-Pic below) That kid sure knows how to bring joy into a room.

I made it home late and decided a nap was a great idea. I was really tired. And since I'm off tomorrow, it was too easy to justify. I must say, it was some great sleep. I'm glad I rested well this evening.

The challenge now is to get back to bed and get some more--because I'm way behind on quality sleep. My body knows it and needs it.

I sacrificed my workout tonight in exchange for sleep. On one hand this was good, on the other, I honestly must make a better commitment to my exercise schedule. The non-negotiable stance I apply to certain things obviously doesn't apply to my workouts. That fact could catch up with me if I'm not careful. I'm starting to consider ideas to help me get a little more consistency in my schedule. It's an area deserving of my serious attention. 

I'm severely behind on email and blog comment replies. I will catch up tomorrow. I sincerely appreciate your feedback and questions!

Allowing the Tweets to take it the rest of the way tonight.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Those eyes are just amazing! What a cutie!!
    Your grandson is pretty hot too! Lol!

    1. I see what you did there! Sneaky!! Thank you, FFF!

  2. HI Sean,
    I haven't read your entire archives but I've read bits here and there and I love how accountable you are by posting your food and drinks for the day. Of course, being that open with people probably means you get a fair share of unhelpful or unwelcome apologies if this fits the bill, especially since I don't have much context...but something that came to my mind when I was reading this post is that you drank a lot of coffee throughout the day. I don't know how much you normally drink, but if you're not sleeping well and you're more tired than usual, extra caffeine could actually be making things worse. One thing to try might be to switch to decaf or half caff at lunchtime, then pair your cup with a high protein snack to get a more sustaining burst of energy. I hope you catch up on your rest!

    1. Anonymous, Thank you. Excellent observation. Very true. And some great suggestions, too. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts.

  3. I know your probably won't read this but if you do.. two things..... 1.. Noah.. such a cutie. and 2. Look up Ed Helm... you look just like him! We watched a movie and I kept saying who does he resemble.... and guess what? It is you! :)

    have a good weekend!

    1. Rosie, I read 'em all, every time! I do get behind on replies,, lately. :) Noah is am absolute cutie deluxe! Ed Helm...okay, I'll look him up! I will take that as a compliment and say thank you very much!


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