Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17th, 2016 Maintenance Weigh-In Analysis

February 17th, 2016 Maintenance Weigh-In Analysis

Today was maintenance weigh-in day! I finished my radio show and a few after-show duties, quickly made my way to the doctor's office to find:
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This represents a 3.6 pound gain over last weigh-in's all-time adult aged low of 208.6. Surprisingly, I didn't freak out. I calmly took it, processed it and reminded myself to find comfort and peace in the continued integrity of my plan. I received plenty of good support communications offering similar perspective and those helped, too.

Who knows the complicated rhythm of the body? My best guess (and it's simply a guess) is, perhaps I wasn't retaining very much fluid last weigh-in and this time I was. I did have a high sodium take-out dinner last night. Truly, it doesn't matter. What matters most to me is maintaining the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, remaining abstinent from refined sugar and drinking my minimum 64oz water each day.

I'm not making any changes to the calorie budget. At this point, any changes made will be in the exercise area and that might require some calorie budget changes down the road. But for right now, I'm good.    

I consider the start of my maintenance mode July 15th, 2015. That's the day I made it back to my original goal weight of 230, having completely lost the relapse/regain weight. The weight continued to drop as I slowly adjusted my calorie budget upward in an effort to find the right maintenance level for my body. Finally, starting in October, I settled into a nice weight range.
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This MFP graph shows the natural fluctuation of maintenance.

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This represents the last eighteen weeks of maintenance mode weigh-ins. I weigh almost a pound (.8) less than I did on October 14th and only a fifth of a pound (.2) heavier than on December 23rd. When I look at the trend from this perspective, it shows me, according to the scale, maintenance mode is working well.

I decided to try something different for dinner. If you're a regular reader, perhaps you remember the turkey I roasted a couple of months ago. I froze a large portion of the left-overs. Finally, I pulled some out and made something new.
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Getting creative in the kitchen! Experimental Dinner: Turkey Pot Pie Enchiladas! I used: 186g low cal alfredo, 4oz shredded turkey breast, 90g mixed veggies, one slice muenster and three Mission large soft corn tortillas. Calorie total: 636 for this big serving. Easily paired down to size...500 calorie version: Use 3oz turkey instead of 4oz, use 45g mixed veggies instead of 90g and use two tortillas instead of three. 438 cal version: All previous suggestions and take off the muenster on top. Delicious. Proud of myself for trying something new! I've had that turkey in my freezer for nearly two months! And I have a bunch more!

I had another short speaking event today on behalf of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. It went very well. I always get a touch emotional when I speak of my big brother Clarke and the profound impact he and the program made in my life. Sharing my experience through this series of speaking events is turning out to be a wonderful way for me to express my gratitude for the program's blessing in my life, some thirty-two years later. I'm really excited about the potential impact BB/BS could make on kids right here in the area I call home.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I never do leftovers well! Your turkey looks delish!

    1. I typically don't do well with leftovers. I can't count the number of things I've wasted! The key, this time, was getting it from the fridge and into freezer bags...where it's been waiting patiently for its chance to come back into a meal! Maybe this will inspire me to do it more often!

  2. Good job on the weigh in ... Looks to me like your body is sitting exactly where it feels comfortable

    How wonderful does that meal look and the fact you are trying new things is good ... Even though it still has the Mexican flare lol

    1. Thank you! I agree, totally. At my current activity level, this is where it's ranging... Granted, I truly must exercise more frequently and that might affect things...
      The meal-- awe yes... I do love the Mexican flare! It really turned out nice--totally delicious!


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