Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1st, 2016 One More Day

February 1st, 2016 One More Day

I can't believe I put myself through all of that yesterday. I accept full responsibility for it all. Because once I finished writing the post and had adequate time to process it, I realized--I should have laughed it off. I really can't blame someone for looking out for someone they care about. I mean, honestly--even though the person commenting obviously doesn't know what I'm all about-- and clearly they've created their own story about me, the bottom line is, it doesn't matter. 

The only thing that matters is that I hit the pillow having completed another day in successful recovery. That's it. That's most important to me. Isn't that what's most important for all of us?? Just one more day, right? 

I really wrecked myself yesterday. I couldn't believe how much, really. I'm a little embarrassed, actually. But, I'm good, now.  I kind of threw a fit of sorts.

I took a sick day from work this morning. It was necessary. I also had little man with me before taking him back this afternoon.

I was around a little bit, but basically took a rest day from social media (except for my accountability tweets, of course--those are a part of my fundamental elements). I look forward to getting reconnected tomorrow.

I sincerely appreciate the outpouring of support on last night's post. Those comments helped me process, too. Some excellent points were made and made well.

It was a good food day, a great support day, complete with a wonderful conference call group tonight. I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget and I remained abstinent from refined sugar.

My workout tonight was preempted by weather coverage at the studio. I was driving to the gym in the middle of a lightening show to our South and I immediately knew, I had to go to the studio and handle our station's coverage--even though it's not severe and not expected to become severe, it's important to say that--because even a non-severe storm can sound severe. In this type coverage, it's basically a voice of calm.

Goodnight, my friends. I'm allowing the accountability Tweets to take it the rest of the way.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. strangely, you look better BEFORE!
    you look a bit sick now..
    I am sorry but take care!

    1. Before what? Did he really just say this?

    2. Jeremy, dear... You must try to remember that not everything you think needs to be spoken out loud. Now be a good boy and go on home before you get yourself hurt.


  2. Sean, ignore/block the trolls and stay focused on what's important.

  3. Sean, I am so grateful to have followed you through most of your journey. From where you started, the odds were against you making any lasting change with regard to your weight, but you not only got to goal, but got there again after your relapse, but a lot wiser this time. I was looking way back, for an easy way to do this, but you have shown all of us that it is a process of choosing deep change, and often having to learn from our mistakes. In every area of change, you have grown and not given up, and I have no doubt that your story will continue evolve. That's true with all of us as we move forward...we make some good choices, and also some that have not worked well. I have learned the most from you when you have hit those emotional walls, and instead of giving up, you acknowledged your struggle so honestly and faced it head on, and got through it. That what most morbidly obese folks need, or at least I did...not a good diet to get thin, but hope for a deep change in perspective, emotional healing, learning to face life's hard without the comfort of food to numb the pain. So what I am saying is that your imperfect journey has saved many of our lives, by allowing us to walk with you and to see the reality of your hard, and then to see you show up the next morning, still willing to move forward, by God's grace. If I had not learned from you how deep this change had to be on so many levels, I would still be out there just looking for THE diet that would fix me, instead of maintaining a 220 lb loss. So thank you, dear friend. Shirley from TN

  4. Unhappy people HATE to see happy people succeed. Undisciplined people despise disciplined people. Sean you have what they don't. They'll never have it. They'll never get it and the longer they don't,the more they'll lash out. Hold your head high and don't give them a millisecond of your thoughts. For the record, I have lots of failed relationships online. Some of them my fault, some of them their fault, and some of them ours. I wasn't meant for any of them. I grew from all of them. They all had their purpose as I'm sure yours did.
    Much love to you and continue to influence and make the difference that you do. That's all God asks from us.

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better today. Some people just don't have much empathy. That was interesting about the second principle. I learn a lot from your blog! I also think it take a lot of courage to share your thoughts and journey publicly. Thanks for what you do, Sean.

  6. Don't let people get to you. They're just strangers. Try not to take it personally... it's their issue.

  7. Hey Mr. Anderson, i have been on a diet for one year on the first of this month. I was on a low carb diet, it worked amazingly for one year, but then i burned myself out on the foods i was eating, so the other day your daughter Amber pointed me toward this blog and oh man it has been a blessing for sure. You might actually know my sister she has came and stayed with you guy a few times while she was in college with Amber lol her name is nicole! anywho i need some serious motivation to get back on track after the holidays and i am starting this diet that u have been on and i need a little help. you can tweet me or facebook me. my name is brittany preston and my twitter handle is @brittany3665


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