Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27th, 2016 More On The Line

February 27th, 2016 More On The Line

I've written about the line of least resistance on many occasions. It's a topic I often explore around here.

The line of least resistance has changed. My line once kept me firmly anchored in binge behavior, with complete absence of a plan. The line of least resistance took me to a professional level of just not caring. My line once kept me near, at or above five hundred pounds for nearly two decades.

Now it's replaced with a new line. Now the line of least resistance keeps me in the same workout routine and commitment. This line of least resistance keeps me from working on projects I dream of completing, or simply starting, for that matter. My line gives me just enough push needed to maintain the life I lead. And it's not a bad life. I'm not complaining.

But it's not all I'm capable of accomplishing and I know it. 

When you think about what you really want to accomplish, what's in the way? When self-sabotage, supported by self-doubt, procrastination and denial, set in, is it protecting us from the unknown? Is it like wading out into deep waters far from the certain stability of the shore?

Do we feel “right at home?”  It's easy, right?

But is it really easy?

It's familiar, yes. On many levels, even comforting, because it's what we know. But is it easy considering all we sacrifice in its maintenance?

Our identity, our social interactions and our relationships all lean heavily against us wandering too far from the line we've called home. And when we decide to change, moving away from this place can be scary.

We gradually realize the potential effects of this liberation from what is known, transforms much more than what's on the surface.

Is it easy at this line or have we simply become accustomed to adapting as needed to accommodate and preserve our place in its shadow? 

When we regain weight, or lack consistency, is it in part a subconscious retreat to familiar surroundings? 

To choose change is brave, requiring large amounts of faith and commitment. Change isn't hard simply because it's different, it's just not familiar. The only way it becomes familiar is through practice. 

We redefine our line along the way.

And along the way we find ourselves transforming in ways we didn't expect. The line of least resistance isn't easy to maintain. It is familiar and that provides an illusion of ease.

Perhaps it isn't the line of least resistance—maybe it's the line of familiarity. 

And if we can embrace the changes we desire long enough to become familiar, then perhaps we can change the base line we call home.

I'll continue practicing, one day at a time.

I'm rambling now. 

Pardon me, please. It's late and I'm tired. Obviously this topic has been on my mind lately.

Today was a really good day. I enjoyed rehearsal this afternoon. I'm the narrator of a special program at a big church tomorrow afternoon. I must report at 1:15pm for the 2pm performance. I'm excited about this program. It combines a choir, string and wind musicians, a percussionist, world renowned composer Pepper Choplin and me! I've never done anything quite like this. I'm speaking, so I'm confident--after all, I speak for a living--but still, it's different than anything I've done, so I'm a little bit nervous. It'll be a wonderful experience, I'm sure.

Today, I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I exceeded my water goal and I enjoyed a very familiar level twenty-thirty minute workout on the elliptical.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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