Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12th, 2016 Pure And Simple

March 12th, 2016 Pure And Simple

I sincerely appreciate the tremendous feedback and response to yesterday's edition. I've been thinking about those things for quite some time. I'm glad I made the time to get it out and onto the page. One thing I didn't write in that post was how I have a healthy amount of fear when it comes to my continued recovery, maintenance of my food sobriety and abstinence from refined sugar. I don't take it for granted. I know, if I don't give it the daily attention and reverence it deserves, I will lose it, pure and simple. 

I lounged around today and took the opportunity to catch up on some sleep. I decided it was needed. Taking a nap without an alarm is risky business for me, but I did it--and slept well, and not too long, but enough.

I had another date tonight with Kristin. I really like that she totally gets what I do. The photos, the logging, the tweets-she understands exactly why I do it and that it's very important to me. She has a deep understanding of how these things are major accountability and support measures. And I really appreciate that from her. We enjoyed a coffee, dinner and a movie. It was a good night!

I rarely go to movies anymore. I simply don't make the time. This was a nice change.

Speaking of time--and changes... Daylight savings time starts in an hour. Oh my! We lose an hour of sleep tonight.

I better hit the pillow! 

Letting the Tweets take it the rest of the way...

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Our daylight saving ends in a few weeks
    We get an hours sleep in
    Looking forward to that EXCEPT kids still get up at the same time ether you change the clocks or not 😡😡😱😱😂😂

    1. I'm still fascinated by the differences between Northern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere.
      I worked for a radio station that brought in The Little River Band for a big concert. In talking to them after the show, they described their tour as a perpetual summer. They tour here in the summer months--then when it starts to turn cold here, they tour Australia and New Zealand--so it's always summertime for them!
      Oh--the kids-- so true, huh?

  2. It was your post yesterday that spurred me to sign up for your support group. These were part of the very powerful message that got through to me:

    "We pick the stories we believe the most--and those create the boundaries in which we live.
    What if we decided to have faith?
    What if we decided we didn't have to figure it all out at once?"

    My last experience with a support relationship ended in disaster. But after reading your post, the lightbulb went off, exposing my "story" as nothing more than an excuse. So... I will trust again. And try again.

    Looking forward to learning from those who have gone before me.

    1. I'm so glad that post resonated deeply for you, Retta. I'm super excited to have you in the next group session. I truly believe you're about to embark on a fantastic experience--just as it's been for several others!
      It's an incredibly supportive environment.
      The goals, the accountability and the support--and the connections, the community of it is just powerful!!! I'm looking forward to having you with us!

  3. We are so glad you signed up for the group, Retta! It has helped so many people!

    1. Gerri, I'm thrilled with this group coming together for the next session. Wow. It's poised to be the best one, yet! And we've had some amazing ones!!!

  4. Lapses will happen. One coffee barista will hand you someone elses drink or a server will tell you there's no added sugar. BOOM. Your brain and body will tell you that you've just ingested sugar.

    The real test comes when your brain says- hey wait, that was my food addiction kicking up, I know what to do (remain abstaining, pour out the coffee, ask for something else, fast instead of eat the sugar, do relaxation techniques )

    For drug and alcohol recovery- lapses do happen, but full out binge behavior is a choice- IMO. A choice away from recovery techniques. Scary- yes, food addiction kills daily. Remaining food sober- not so scary with a good functioning skill set. In time, less fear- in my experience. "Yeah, that's the disease kicking up again, it's there, but I don't have to open the door".

    Onward with courage and strength. Not so much fear when you know what your skill set can provide. Karen P.

    1. I totally agree with you, Karen. I had an experience with coffee three or four months ago. I knew immediately. And it affected me dramatically. My body and brain recognized the sugar almost instantaneously! Is was actually really cool, to be that in tune. Of course, I immediately freaked out--got rid of it and called a support buddy to remind me that I didn't break my abstinence--it wasn't a willing breach--and I didn't continue after realizing the situation.
      Absolutely--courage and strength...and not a bad fear--it's more of an awareness of what could happen--better--what would absolutely happen, if I ever choose to go in that direction again. Thank you so much for your wisdom, Karen. I truly appreciate your insights--because I know, you've been walking this path for a very long time!! :)

  5. Hey!

    This is the first time coming across your blog; I really admire people sharing their day-to-day journey, it's always really interesting to see how people handle and tackle their daily challenges.

    In terms of your abstinence from refined sugar, do you think it is sustainable eliminating it completely?

    From my personal experience going on caveman diets, after a few months I rebounded hard... I realised that instead of trying to cut it out completely I should reduce it by amounts so insignficant that I do not even realise. It is a much longer method however I have found it more sustainable as I do not have the cravings.

    But then again, that's just how I manage to cut things out; slow and steady - it's not for everyone though!

    I talk about my methods here if you're interested

    I will be following you on your journey :)

    1. Michael, Thank you for reading! In answer to that question--absolutely it is sustainable. I'm a month shy of two years straight and how I feel and what it's done for me is monumental. It's an amazing feeling I wouldn't trade easily. But it takes awareness and support--and a perspective grounded in recovery, not in a diet mentality.
      I personally know of people who've been abstaining from refined sugar for 28 years, 23 years, 13 years, 7 years, 5 years... I see their continued maintenance and success--and now, after almost two years from the start of my turnaround from relapse/regain, I can clearly see it can very well be that way for me.
      Of course, that's just me--and what works for me is abstinence from refined sugar all together. Your plan sounds fantastic for you!
      I agree about the cravings--that's been the biggest benefit for me--I've written about it before--how it's like the "binge switch" is turned off.
      Thank you for reading and sharing your information, Michael! It very well might help someone else, too, like it has you!

  6. Thanks for the motivational blog... Success is the best feeling in the world :)


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