Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19th, 2016 Needed It

March 19th, 2016 Needed It

I needed today. I needed the sleep without an alarm. I needed the relaxation. I just needed it--and I took it and enjoyed it thoroughly.

I prepared some good food, experienced some nice support connections, made time for an awesome workout and enjoyed dinner out with Amber and Kristin, before Amber and I rushed off to see the play Same Time Next Year.
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The conversation was great. Amber and Kristin both work with children in their respective professions. I'm pretty sure the conversation could have continued much longer had Amber and I not had plans for the play. It was a very nice time!

I skipped the chips and salsa at dinner since I enjoyed guacamole salad and chips for lunch. I did try a different combination of ingredients in my familiar taco selection and it was absolutely fabulous!

This new morning routine is working well. I'm not sure I'll do water drinking selfies every morning--simply because I'm fairly rough, first thing--I mean, aren't most of us? Then again, it might be comical. I've pretty much decided it'll be two cups of water first thing--instead of just one. It's fairly simple and it really helps me easily make water goal with this head start. I'm already thinking of ways to expand the routine. Again, I'm not going to push it much past 10 minutes--but even this short burst, first thing, feels good. And earning that first cup of good coffee is a really good motivator. 

I plan on sleeping well again tonight. I'm spending some time with my adorable little grandson tomorrow afternoon/evening. I need some Noah time! I'm contemplating if he's old enough (2 years-8 months) to see a movie in a theater. I'd like to take him to see Zootopia.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I love the water selfie's! Looking forward to our visit later in the week.

    1. Thank you, Jon! Drive safe and we'll see you Wednesday evening!


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