Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1st, 2016 Again and Again

May 1st, 2016 Again and Again

What an amazing weekend! It started with stand-up and ended with my grandson Noah. It was busy, but fun. Except for some photos, I'm allowing this to be a Tweets Only post. I'm off work tomorrow in order to accompany mom to a medical procedure she's having in the morning. I'm picking her up very early for the short drive to the hospital. We're planning on lunch out somewhere tomorrow midday.

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Friday Night's opening stand-up set at the Big 80's Rock & Roll show with Dead Metal Society. Photo Credits: Richard Gorremans
If it hadn't been for the epiphanies of May 15th and 19th, 2014--I would've never started doing stand-up again after such a long absence. It's one of my core elements and I enjoy nurturing that part of me as often as my schedule allows.

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This guy, oh my...He brings joy to any room, any time. We had a little family get together at my daughter and son-in-law's new house. I made my guacamole for everyone! Noah did the cutest thing. He tried some guac, made a disgusted face, then tried it again--then made another disgusted face--then he tried it again and again until, I don't know--I suppose he decided it wasn't bad. He had Amber and me laughing out loud.

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I hope your mother's procedure goes well, and that she'll be fine. She is a precious lady.

    1. Thank you! It went very very well! She received a glowing report from the doctor, post-procedure. She's incredibly precious! :)

  2. Guacamole is an acquired taste. Glad Noah was brave enough to acquire that taste--because it IS (eventually) delicious! Way to go Noah!!!!

    1. It's certainly one of those things where it's all in how it's prepared! It was the cutest thing ever--watching him taste it--not really know what to think about it--then go again, taste it--make a face--then taste it again. I never did that as a kid. A smell could keep me from even tasting something!

  3. Food prep question - why do you weigh some items in ounces and some in grams?

    1. Great question, Bonnie! It depends on the most accurate MyFitnessPal entry I've found for that particular item. I prefer entries that break it down by ounce or gram... If you look at the MFP Tweets, you'll notice the entries say things like, Orange "by the ounce" or Avocado "by the gram." I could convert the oz to g or the g to oz--but it's just easier to use whatever the accurate entry uses in MFP. Thank you for the question!


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