Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20th, 2016 Without Fail

May 20th, 2016 Without Fail

I'm so glad it's Friday night. I've rested and rested some more. In fact, I woke, just to grab an orange for my #lastfoodofday and post this blog. I've heard, "just stay in bed and post the blog late, tomorrow morning." I get it, sure--but I can't break my daily discipline. Call it anything you like--to me, it's a critically important part of my continued recovery. It gives me an opportunity to reflect on each day--acting as a bookend and among many other things, it brings me immense peace and joy.

I enjoy writing. I enjoy dissecting elements of this entire experience--laying it out and examining what worked, what's working, what didn't and what doesn't. I can think about these things all day long--but when I transfer those thoughts to this archived record, it somehow makes it stick, for me.

I'm not afraid to keep it short. If you've ever invested fifteen minutes reading one of these super long epic--million word (Tony Posnanski's recent word count estimate--I think his estimate was a touch high) blog posts of mine, then you likely spit your coffee in a fit of laughter just now. Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh yeah--I'm not afraid to keep it short, that's why I do an occasional "tweets only" post.

I've resisted adding Instant Gram activity to my active social media profile. Between this blog, Facebook, MyFitnessPal and Twitter, I'm very active. But--I keep getting notifications of people following my nearly empty Instantaneous Gram account and with each one, I'm thinking--my goodness, maybe I should figure out a way to use that thingy. It's on my phone--it's right there at my fingertips...but how do I use it?

Okay--stop the presses--I've just been notified that it's called Instagram. Now I feel old.

Anyway--like I was saying, the challenge is how to use this Instagram account in a way that's different from this blog and different from Facebook and my Twitter. I think I have an idea. I'll be trying it out more often over the weekend and we'll see how it goes. I may link each Instagram post to my Twitter feed--not sure, but the option is there, just in case. It might be silly. It might be informative. And occasionally/rarely, it might be serious. It might be loads of fun. Oh--it will absolutely be fun, or I won't do it! 

So, follow along if you do the Instagram thingy! My name there--same as MyFitnessPal and Twitter:

And if you don't do Instagram--again, you'll likely see the activity in the daily Live-Tweet stream featured right here, every day, without fail.

Today, I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget (including an unusual lunch--a snack that resembled a lunch more than a snack--and a dinner that qualifies as a big favorite of mine), I remained abstinent from refined sugar and I just barely made my water goal for the day--and that's okay, I made it--it counts. And I slept a bunch more. And I'm off to do some more of that, right now.

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Thanks for the great article.

  2. Question - what do the initials MFP mean? I have been reading your blog for a while now and it is truly inspirational, but I can't figure out that darn three letter acronym! Keep writing....

    1. I think it stands for My Fitness Pal, the app he uses to record his food.

    2. I think it stands for My Fitness Pal, the app he uses to record his food intake.

    3. Christina is right, Lizzie, it stands for MyFitnessPal-- it's the app I use to log my food! :) Thank you for reading, Lizzie!

  3. Cara cars oranges are the best. Sweet and juicy--My favorites!! So oranges and peanut butter don't make for a great combo? I guess now we know!

    1. Pam, oh yes-- Cara Cara oranges are amazing!!! No--the orange and PB combo didn't work!!!

  4. Vanessa, I wish you the best in your fundraising! Great cause.


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