Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30th, 2016 Decent Balance

May 30th, 2016 Decent Balance

I found a decent balance of work and rest this holiday weekend. I did sleep-in well three mornings in a row and I'm hoping it hasn't set me up for a rude awakening come early morning Tuesday. It might take some adjusting, physically and mentally!

You may have read a mention of Kristin occasionally in these pages. Kristin and I have been dating for some time. I've learned hard and valuable lessons in keeping certain things private and extending courtesy, respect and consideration to those in my life who didn't sign up for having their personal life splashed across these writings. I share my life and experiences as a powerful accountability, support and self-educating tool for my own personal development. I also share in hopes that it might help someone else along the way. This blog continues to accomplish those important missions. But, in being an open book, I must remain mindful of how much I share about others around me, unless they've given me their full and complete blessing on a particular topic or event. I haven't always applied this level of awareness and consideration. Again--I've grown.    

I attended a Memorial Day get together at Kristin's parents house this afternoon. I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of her family. They're great people! I brought the ingredients for my signature guacamole and I absolutely loved preparing it for everyone. Kristin's mom was so kind and thoughtful. She knows I'm abstinent from refined sugar, so she set aside some of the brisket, minus the sauce, just for me. It was a wonderful experience full of good conversations.

I had quite a bunch of work to get done this afternoon and evening, some for me, some for the radio station and I allowed it to slightly tilt my day, but again--my choices and no complaints. It was a great day.

The registration period for the upcoming eight week weight loss teleconference support groups opened today! I co-facilitate these groups with Life Coach Gerri Helms and Life Coach Kathleen Miles. The Monday night session starts June 6th at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain and 4pm Pacific. The Tuesday night session starts June 7th an hour later at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain and 5pm Pacific. Both groups are combined into one secret Facebook group where everyone provides powerful accountability and support for one another. Group members also have access to spot support via text and calls. This is a very powerful group. The cost is $120.00 for the eight week session. We keep it small, limiting registration to ten participants per group. A limited number of spaces are open. If you're interested in signing up, the links are below.

If you want to wait and dial in to the Wednesday night FREE open house event to get a better feel of what the groups are all about, then be sure to register for that by clicking this link:

Monday night registration -

Tuesday night registration -

Today, I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar and I exceeded my daily water goal. I'm grateful for another great day.

Today's Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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