Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14th, 2016 Most Of All

June 14th, 2016 Most Of All

I'm having a very difficult time getting back into my exercise groove after the previous insane schedule of the last two weeks. The #morningdeal routine isn't meant to be a workout replacement, it's simply a "get the body working" type starter thing. I'll be focusing on increasing my regular workout accountability over the next couple of weeks.

Part of this, a big part, actually--will be continuing the improvement of my time management. I do not buy the nonsense that I just don't have time--that isn't true. It isn't the time. We all get the same amount. It's how I'm using my time. Can I be more efficient? Yes. It's like I'm working a combination lock, trying to find all the right grooves.

I started by taking an inventory of what I do each day and what I want to add--things I want to accomplish. The wildcard in this entire process is the workload at the studio. It plays a big role some days. I'm confident I'll find the solutions.

I'm not embracing a perspective on what hasn't been or can't be done, I'm asking how it can be done. It's embracing solutions instead of allowing excuses to release me from my personal responsibility of taking exceptional care.

And that perspective works well. I wouldn't be here today without this perspective.

I write and speak about maintaining the integrity of my food plan come what may. And I do, every single day, one day at a time. But conveniently, I've never applied the same reverence to my exercise commitments. 

My trek isn't perfect, obviously. And I've never claimed it to be perfect. I'm evolving, growing and learning more and more all the time. 

I'm not brutalizing myself over this issue. I'm dropping in bed at a reasonable hour tonight instead of running to the gym, which was an option. I'm being kind, but firm, with me. And I think that's critically important.

Today was a busy day at work. My late afternoon/evening included fantastic support interactions, both one on one and in the Tuesday night teleconference support group I co-facilitate with Life Coach Gerri and Life Coach Kathleen. I got a haircut! Yay! I was getting shaggy! And...

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. And I exceeded my daily water goal.

And I'm getting more rest tonight.

As I continue to grow, learn, evolve--I must acknowledge the plentiful goodness happening along the way. And I do--and I'm blessed. Most of all, I'm grateful. My heart, mind and soul overflows with gratitude. 

Continuous Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hi Sean,
    I've read your blog from start to today, almost joined your support group but I knew I wouldn't be able to make most meetings, I'm hoping for next time. Your blog gave me a new way to consider weight loss and looking at it as a commitment to myself, day to day has led to success. I've put sugar away, at least for now, and that has created success each day. It's funny, your post today is about lack of exercise and I credit your blog to my reaching 30 minutes on elliptical today. Thanks for taking the time to write each day, I look forward to it and find great inspiration from you. -- Shelly

  2. I am in awe of the sheer volume of food you consume each day. I have 900 calories per day to maintain my weight; the equivalent of one of your meals and a snack.


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