Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 2nd, 2016 Truly Epic

July 2nd, 2016 Truly Epic

Maybe the clock was wrong. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was 12:30pm and I was waking after ten solid hours of sleep. I usually wake after seven or eight hours, naturally. I must have needed it because I was out, sound.

The super late start to my day did tilt it somewhat. This tilting of the day affects my food schedule and plan. I adjusted well and got on with enjoying really nice Saturday.

I left early evening for my hometown. I picked up mom and we attended a huge Independence Day Weekend Party at my cousin Rick's place. The party was truly epic. Mom visited with Aunt Connie and I visited with my cousin Steve from Minnesota. There was a bunch of food choices at this big event. I selected some pulled pork, a homemade bean dip thingy, blue corn tortilla chips and an ounce of sharp cheddar I had brought along. I also brought my digital food scale. (see tweets below for pics from tonight's celebration)

Planning, preparing and packing. I did those things, making sure I had a backup plan for food, in the man bag, ready to go. My planning isn't too elaborate. I base it on a very simple idea. I make sure I have: What I need, when I need, where I need.

Mom and I have planned a great few days together. Tomorrow night, we're going to the big John Conlee concert. I'm introducing Conlee on stage, then after the show, mom will get a chance to meet this country music legend! Monday is 4th of July activities, then Tuesday we're celebrating Noah's and mom's birthday at a combined party.

I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I was connected in active support communications and I met my minimum water goal.

It was an exceptional day!

Continuous Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Hi Sean!! You have one of the cutest Moms. Bravo for staying on plan. Have fun with all the special events. Happy Birthday Mom and Noah. Patti M

  2. Like the "you and your water bottle" pic over the drinking the water picture! Nice!

  3. Like that picture of you & mom with the fireworks above! Fantastic!


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