Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 7th, 2016 What Goes In My Mouth

July 7th, 2016 What Goes In My Mouth

Our hotel room is right across the street from a small grocery/prepared food store. The plan was to grab some food there and possibly eat in their dining area. But the more I looked, the more questions came up...This place is well stocked-- but still, as far as their hot prepared foods, it just wasn't my food. Everything was old and of questionable content. I ended up with a good backup plan (see tweets below).

After a really long day of traveling and some fun activities this afternoon and evening (Including a wonderful visit with Alex Brightman, star of Broadway's School Of Rock, I was tired and hungry. The old Sean would have feasted on whatever the next restaurant presented. I don't do that anymore. If, for whatever reason, the food doesn't work for me, I change the food. I no longer subscribe to the idea that I'm "stuck" or "trapped" by whatever's available. I'm responsible for what goes in my mouth, always.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning! I'll be posting more and more pictures over the next few days.
 photo f55a4b00-8796-4068-ae20-93ee475c1ef9_zpsajgbbxoy.jpg
 photo New York July 1_zpsdb9sq8wz.jpg

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I stayed in contact with several of my support team, I exceeded my daily water and I planned by having a few things ready to go.

Continuous Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Good job on your eating in New York City. Great pics of the two of you. Have fun in the Big Apple.

  2. Awesome job of picking out your nutrition. But if I nit pick, or can make a suggestion, RX bars would be a huge improvement over quest bars. I will have to send you a few and have no doubt you will like the taste and how they effect you 10x better and be in total agreement. Have a great trip!

  3. "If, for whatever reason, the food doesn't work for me, I change the food. I no longer subscribe to the idea that I'm "stuck" or "trapped" by whatever's available. I'm responsible for what goes in my mouth, always."

    Love, love, love this. We are NOT victims. Have a blast, you two!

  4. Looks like you are enjoying the big apple! Good for you! Will be waiting for more details when you return!!!


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