Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19th, 2016 Encourage A Better Day

July 19th, 2016 Encourage A Better Day

I wasn't ready when the alarm sounded at 4:30am. I didn't sleep particularly well. I spent a little extra time in prayer and meditation because it was important for me to embrace a positive perspective. I had a choice: Accept that today would be rough, then I could focus on how rough it could be--and that would have invited even more roughness--or I could ask and answer the question: How can this be a great day? What can I do to encourage a better day?

I had a decent show this morning. That helps. I completed some good production. That's also a plus. I took a lunch break away from the studio, and not just a quick lunch on my own--Irene, her man Allen, both of my daughters, my youngest daughter's boyfriend and my precious grandson Noah, was there for a fantastic family get-together. Courtney turns 23 tomorrow. My youngest daughter is 23!!! How is that possible??? Time moves quickly, for sure. This family time also did wonders for my overall attitude and perspective.
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After-Lunch Picture. The birthday girl, Courtney, Me, Amber and my little 3 year-old grandson. Isn't he the cutest? A picture like this rarely comes along it seems. At Christmas, Thanksgiving--sure, but on a hot summer day in late July--rare. It was fantastic.

I returned to work, finished up on time and hurried home for a good nap. I checked in with support contacts several times today--just to say, I'm doing okay, how about you?

I made it to the gym for a great workout later in the afternoon, then returned home for a fantastic dinner before settling in for the Tuesday night support group conference call.

Getting the workout done and dinner, both before the Tuesday evening group is a very rare thing. It's important for my schedule, helping me get to bed earlier--but it's rare for me to accomplish this--but not today. Today, despite anything else, was going to be a great day. I asked and answered the "how?" 

I'll be in bed and asleep before 10pm. That's a big deal for me. 

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I stayed connected with great support. I exceeded my daily water goal. I completed a great workout. And I'm going to bed at a reasonable time.

When the alarm sounded at 4:30am, I would have never guessed today would unfold like it did, so well. I'm blessed and very grateful.

The Next Session starts August 8th and 9th! If you have any questions about the groups you can email me: transformation.road@gmail.com or Kathy: totalkathy@aol.com

Sign-Up Links:

Primary (regular) Monday Group (6pm Central/7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific)

Primary (regular) Tuesday group (7pm Central/8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific)

Premium (new) Monday night (7pm Central/8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific-*Includes individual specific one on one time slots within that hour)


Continuous Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Great picture! Awesome day. I hope tomorrow is another equally successful day for the books.

  2. What a gift to have your family celebration in mid-July! So happy for you - and yes, Noah is the cutest!

  3. Sean, You're a month late LOL. See what lack of sleep will do to ya.


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