Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14th, 2016 I'm This And She's That

August 14th, 2016 I'm This And She's That

I was up earlier today after a restless night. With plans that involved taking Noah to Stillwater for lunch with mom, there' wasn't an opportunity for a nap. That's actually a great thing. Because I'm poised to be in bed by 9pm. I can't remember the last time it was lights out this early.
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We took Noah to the park after lunch. He didn't want to leave! I had to pick him up and carry him over my shoulder all the way to the vehicle!

Speaking of Noah, he'll have a sibling come March! My youngest daughter, Courtney, is expecting!
I'll be the grandfather of two little ones! I don't feel old enough for this--but I'm this and she's that, and it's happening! I can't wait to see how Noah handles the role of big brother.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I stayed connected with support contacts, I exceeded my water goal and a big one---I'm hitting the pillow by 9pm.

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