Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 28th, 2016 Excited Energy

August 28th, 2016 Excited Energy

I've been looking forward to today for a couple weeks. Taking Noah to Jurassic Quest could have gone a couple different ways. The backup plan, in case he immediately ran away in terror, was the zoo. He didn't run away! He was fascinated and full of excited energy! He's going to remember this day for a long time.  So will I.

As I chased him around the exposition hall, the thought occurred, with my continued care each day, he'll possibly never know me as a morbidly obese man. This thought popped in my head as I was trying to remember my first memory, and thinking about how Noah will remember this day. I kept up with him. And that would have been impossible at over 500 pounds.
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Noah had an absolute blast at Jurassic Quest! I was worried he might be scared. Nope, not at all! I'm so glad. This is something very sweet. Taking extraordinary care of me enables me to keep up with him in ways I couldn't at my heaviest.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I stayed in contact with good support via text and I enjoyed a great workout tonight.

I'll let the Tweets share the rest!

Continuous Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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