Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29th, 2016 Into The Tilt

September 29th, 2016 Into The Tilt

Coming home from work today and seeing my grandson's smile, was just-it's the greatest thing. And it doesn't matter how the rest of my day has unfolded--his smile, his voice--it simply snaps me out of whatever state of mind dominates the moment.

I must admit, I didn't plan today very well at all. I made it work, but I wasn't as prepared as I am most days. Consequently, my food was somewhat out of sync. I tend to have a rhythm to my calorie budget. That familiar rhythm wasn't today.

I plan on making a grocery trip tomorrow to grab a few things that'll help me restore the rhythm!

I made a promise to myself to do a Facebook Live on my regular Facebook page this evening. I even stated a time, 8pm. In hindsight, I probably should have scheduled this a little earlier. It's as if the day was already tilted--so instead of correcting, I leaned into the tilt.

I'm still trying to figure out the Facebook Live thing. I get on there with a specific purpose and somehow, it gets distracting quickly. The purpose was to answer questions about the upcoming 8 week session of the weight loss teleconference support groups I do with Life Coach Kathleen and Life Coach Gerri. I answered some questions and it was fun, but not as focused as I envision those becoming. I'm kind of all over the place in certain points throughout the video. A shorter, more precise approach might be more effective, is what I'm saying. Maybe it'll answer some questions for you--or simply entertain...Because if you do have questions, you'll get the answers by sending them to me or Coach Kathleen. Her email: Mine:

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget (meaning I didn't exceed--actually, I was under by a little over 100 calories), I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I exceeded my daily water goal and I stayed connected with great support!

One of the great things about my plan is: Tomorrow morning starts anew. I'll have an opportunity to do things differently. I'll correct the tilt.

I learn from days like these. 

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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