Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3rd, 2016 About My Podcast

October 3rd, 2016 About My Podcast

I tried to cram too much into one day. Many things were accomplished, yes--but a couple wasn't and I must be okay with this.

My Monday's are packed these days. Today was busy at work before noon--and now, every Monday at noon, I host a TV show for the local school system. I shot today's episode then headed to the grocery store for some lunch stuff--then back to work to prepare a great lunch, get some more production finished and attend a 2pm meeting. I finally left at almost 3pm. I knew beyond any doubt, I had to have a nap. Even an hour. I was hitting a wall soon--and I needed sleep, immediately. I took the nap, got up--enjoyed a snack and some coffee, and prepared for the Monday night group meetings I co-facilitate with Life Coach Kathleen and Life Coach Gerri.

The groups started this new 8-week session in wonderful ways! I'll tell you--the amazing things happening with members, to be a part of it and witness all of what's just beautiful! I'm blessed and very grateful.

I enjoyed dinner not long after the group calls then made my way to the studio for post-production on episode 3 of my podcast Transformation Planet.

About my podcast: I'm putting my heart and soul into it, 100%. This 3rd episode featuring Pam Holmes is awesome--and as much as I wanted it to be released tonight, I couldn't finish post production in a reasonable amount of time in order to make that happen. There's part of me that says--nope, I'm staying until it's done--but thank goodness, the reasonable part of me won out. It's best for me to go to bed and finish post-prod, tomorrow.

I do not ever want this podcast to become something I get excited about and then it slowly fades away. And I know how important it is that it's released at the same time each week. But, I just couldn't tonight. And again--that's perfectly fine. As I get more and more interviews under my belt, I'll be able to get these ready for release fairly quickly--and on a regula schedule! Subscribe in iTunes and on Google Play--or directly from my podcast hosting site:, and each episode will automatically download to your device.

I'm off to bed.

If you haven't had a chance to listen to episode one and two of Transformation Planet, please help yourself!! Simply click on the player to hear the episode

Transformation Planet Episode 2 featuring Kathleen Miles

Transformation Planet Episode 1 Featuring Gerri Helms

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I stayed connected with great support contacts and I exceeded my daily water goal.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting the links to your pod cast on this blog. It makes it so much easier for us non-techies to get to it!

    Better to wait and have a great show than to rush through and have a mediocre one. You did the right thing in holding off finishing the post production. Looking forward to your next interview.


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