Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16th, 2016 A Careful Approach

November 16th, 2016 A Careful Approach

I get into routines easily. This can be a great thing and this can be a not so great thing. It all depends on the focus of the routine. I have certain routines I'm proud of--my #morningdeal, for instance--very proud of its consistency. My consistent logging in MyFitnessPal--this has done a world of good for me--and several other elements of my daily care have become solid routines. Then, there's the not so good routines...

The excessive coffee some days, the inconsistent sleep disciplines, the putting off my workout time until late--often sacrificing it in the name of "too busy" or "too tired," these are things getting my attention of late.

And boredom.

Boredom threatens to either disrupt my routines or it encourages positive changes in my routines. I'm giving some changes some serious consideration these days. My goal is to make positive changes--a disruption in that way--is good. A disruption in a negative way, not so much. It's a careful approach.

One of the things I'm considering is taking the Accountability Live-Tweet Stream off this daily blog. I haven't any plans or desires to stop the accountability food tweets, they'll still be on my Twitter account. I recently added the most recent tweet stream to the left-hand sidebar of this blog page--and that would stay. But if you view this blog on a mobile device, I don't think you see the side-bar. The food tweets are simply an accountability tool for me. The intention wasn't/isn't to be an example, a food plan for anyone but me--or even a cooking demonstration or recipe thing. It's simply a way for me to stay accountable and connected with my daily plan. It's worked very well. And I'll continue doing it. But you may not see them on this blog starting in a few days. For some, this would be a welcomed change--and for a few I've heard from who say they enjoy seeing them here, it won't.

Anyway-- the idea is to write more on this blog--go a little further in-depth--do the kind of writing I'm passionate about--instead of what my routines have rendered--basically, a nightly check-in.

I value this blog much more than just a nightly check-in. This blog has literally helped change my life. And it did because I wasn't afraid to dig deep and write from the heart. I think it's been missing that of late.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

Have you signed up for the December Speaker Series I'm co-presenting with Coach Kathleen via LIVE Conference call? We've assembled world-renowned experts in their respective fields. These speakers will share practical ways to make your plan work well for you! Members will also have an opportunity to submit questions!
This 4-week December event includes membership in our special speaker series Facebook group. The teleconference speaking events will happen every Wednesday night in December at 8pm Eastern. Aside from those incredible calls (members of the speaker series will also have access to the recording of each talk in case you miss one), this is a great way to find like-minded people to help build your own accountability and support team. And in that, it's a great introduction to the weekly group coaching nights we regularly offer. December is quickly approaching!

The four-week Sean & Kathleen December Speaker Series is only $60--and it could prove to be an invaluable life-changing experience for you as you head into 2017! This is a fantastic gift from you to you!!

Once you sign up, you'll receive an email welcome letter, you'll be added to the speaker series "secret" Facebook group and you'll have access to the conference line phone number and access code.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sean~ I am SOOoooo happy to hear you are going to change your blog back into digging deep and writing from the heart - just like you used to do. It will mean so much more not only to you but to me!!!! N~


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