Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29th, 2016 All Of Us

November 29th, 2016 All Of Us

I was trucking along just fine until sometime after 2pm and then, I was done. I just completely ran out of steam. I finished my production work--and before leaving the studio for a trip to Stillwater for mom's medical appointment, I took a 20-minute power nap. That helped. The coffee helped, too.

Mom is doing well. It's been a little while since updating on her in these writings. She's still on oxygen, and that may or may not be a long-term thing, but all things considered, she's doing well. And that's wonderful. After her short medical test, we made our way to The Garage just off the campus of Oklahoma State. We love this place. When I discovered their fresh cut sweet potato fries, I was sold. I enjoyed a lean bison burger without a bun and sweet potato fries.

I enjoyed a fantastic support call on the way to Stillwater. One of the most valuable things I've learned along this road is centered around the power of connection. Aside from the accountability and support good connections create, it's the "I'm not alone" dynamic that resonates in the most comforting way. And then it goes beyond the "I'm not alone" dynamic and expands to include the "I can do this, too" dynamic. I love the way Dr. Lerner expressed it on episode 7 of Transformation Planet when he spoke of connecting with people in "the same lifeboat."

If you're walking through a forest all alone--it's dark, you hear animals--it's scary out there, right? Or maybe you're alone--walking downtown in a big city, it's late and you feel slightly uneasy about your path. What happens when you insert someone else in those scenarios? I know for me, I'm not as afraid when I'm with someone else. In fact, I'm brave. Things aren't as scary when we're in it together.

When it comes to recovery from morbid obesity, I'm not alone and you're not alone. All of us are in it together.

Unless we choose to isolate. Ooh, I've been there a few times or ten. But that's another blog page for another night!

I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget today. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support!

Pillow landing within minutes.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Sean - listened to your Half Size Me interview yesterday - it was great! And I think Heather really enjoyed it as well. I listen to her podcast (and yours) in the background while I'm at work. I don't comment often but I'm a longtime reader of your blog and you keep me motivated! -Beth in Chicago

  2. It's obvious you adore your mom, Sean. But from this picture (and from my own experience with three grown sons) I can tell you, her feelings about you are too big for words. I too listened to Heather's and your podcast (while outside playing Pickle Ball)--It was GREAT!


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