Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30th, 2016 Half Asleep

December 30th, 2016 Half Asleep

I don't give myself enough leisure time. I thought I would watch a movie tonight. It's unusual for me, actually. I have a recliner I hardly ever use. If I'm at home, I'm at my desk, in the kitchen or in bed. So--I tried! I gave it my best. I've wanted to watch Sully since I listened to Tom Hanks talk about the film. And I just haven't. Until tonight...I got back from visiting with mom and thought, you know, I need to see that film!! I even had some popcorn ready to go--a gift from a friend who was kind enough to accurately calculate the calories of this organic popcorn prepared with coconut oil. I made it about 15 minutes in--never ate the popcorn--falling fast asleep. My recliner has certain powers, I'm convinced.

This isn't the first time. I think the key for me is to watch a movie with someone else. I should have invited my oldest daughter over! Amber and I will get together for lunch tomorrow--that'll be good!

Am I rambling yet? I'm half asleep.

Monday and Tuesday is the start of the next 8-week weight loss support group sessions I cofacilitate with Life Coach Kathleen.  Spaces are available in this small & exclusive group. We would love for you to kick off 2017 on our team!

Are you on the fence about joining? If you have any questions for me or Coach Kathleen--send them to us! Me: Coach Kathleen:

The primary 8-week session includes a "secret" facebook group for members where we support one another along the way. As needed call and text support, daily support and accountability measures--and a weekly group conference call rounds out the primary option (Less than 10 spaces remain for our next session starting January 2nd and 3rd) Two primary group options: Monday's at 7pm Eastern or Tuesday's at 8pm Eastern. Fee for 8-week session: $120.00

The premium one-on-one group includes all of the above benefits--members are on the same secret Facebook page--but the weekly conference call is different. The first and last call of the session is with premium group members. The six weeks in-between are private one-on-one 15-minute sessions with me and Coach Kathleen rotating weeks. Fee for 8-week session: $200.00

Sign-up links:

Monday Night Primary 7pm Eastern:

Tuesday Night Primary 8pm Eastern:

Monday Night Premium 8:05 Eastern One-On-One Group:

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I met my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

I have two location broadcasts tomorrow. One from 11am to 1pm and another from a huge NYE party from 6-9pm. I will fashion my plan according to the schedule. It'll be okay!

I'm looking forward to time off Sunday and Monday!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Happy New Year! One of my friends fwd'd a neat page saying "Look at the year ahead as an empty book with 365 blank pages. It's up to you to fill those pages one each day for the coming year" = thought that was a neat way to look at the upcoming 2017!


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