Sunday, January 1, 2017

January 1st, 2017 Took It

January 1st, 2017 Took It

I had today off, and I took it off. I got some things done around the house, napped and enjoyed a dinner out for New Years. I stopped by for a visit with mom this afternoon, too. I have tomorrow off from the radio station, so I'll be sleeping in!

I had a great interview this afternoon with Hope Williams Church for an upcoming episode of Transformation Planet! She's lost over 150 pounds and continues to do well in maintenance mode. The perspective she offers is purely powerful!

After last night's epic post--I'm keeping this one super-short.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal and I stayed connected with support!

Tomorrow evening kicks off another 8-week session weight loss support group. If you're interested in joining, please send me an email and I'll answer any questions you have and I'll reply with sign-up links!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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