Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28th, 2017 Less Different

February 28th, 2017 Less Different

I spent some time with mom today. She's really taken a sharp turn for the worse--and my focus today was making sure the staff where she lives is all on the same page with her care. The doctor ordered several tests and started some new medications, too. I feel good about the communication with staff today. One nurse in particular, assured me he would personally see to it that the assistants are fully aware of mom's dramatically changed status and needs. I don't think everyone was on the same page for a few days--and it wasn't a good thing.

I'm getting a sharp lesson in the power of staying connected with support through emotionally challenging times. I've spent a large part of my life turning to food in turbulent emotional and stressful times--and a very small part of my life doing things differently. As Life Coach Gerri always says, "which do you think we're better at doing?"  It takes effort--a daily awareness, mindfulness--to pick up the phone instead of the fork. It doesn't matter how long I've been in maintenance mode or how well I've lost the weight--none of that matters because it can all change the other way if I release my firm embrace of support. It's important for me to keep doing things differently until they feel "less different." 

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget (actually left 166 calories on the table--didn't manage midday calorie levels very well), I remained refined sugar-free, I stayed well connected with exceptional support, and I exceeded my daily water goal.

Have you subscribed to Transformation Planet? It's free. You can find it in iTunes for Apple devices, Google Play for Android or anywhere you find your favorite podcasts!

When we talk about transformation it's often about the physical--the difference you see. But what about the differences you can only feel? In this episode we'll get an update from Nathaniel--then, I'll take you on location to an event where I was the emcee--a social event, where we'll talk about the mental and emotional transformations that often happen with dramatic weight loss.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27th, 2017 Almost Tweets Only and Episode 12

February 27th, 2017 Almost Tweets Only and Episode 12

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

Almost Tweets Only tonight!

Episode 12 of Transformation Planet is available now on iTunes, Google Play for android, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts! Here's a convenient Podbean player for listening directly from this blog page:

When we talk about transformation it's often about the physical--the difference you see. But what about the differences you can only feel? In this episode we'll get an update from Nathanial--then, I'll take you on location to an event where I was the emcee--a social event, where we'll talk about the mental and emotional transformations that often happen with dramatic weight loss.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26th, 2017 Cheese and Bacon

February 26th, 2017 Cheese and Bacon

The next 8-week weight loss support group session starts tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm super proud of what these groups do and I must say, the team that's developed is powerful. You still have time to join our team! Cofacilitator Life Coach Kathleen posted this earlier today:

This is the last day to sign up for Sean and my 8-week weight loss group. We have phone meetings every week, and a secret Facebook page. This group has not only helped me lose 161 pounds, but it's helped many others. Between Sean and I, we have collectively lost over 450 pounds! We know what we are doing! We have some pretty impressive success stories. For me, losing weight alone was nearly impossible for the long haul. This group is based on Support and Accountability, and that is what I needed to move forward on my journey to health. Try us for 8 weeks and see what it's all about. For about $15 dollars a week, (less than going out to lunch) your life could totally change. Mine did! We have openings left for Tuesday night and Tuesday afternoon. And if you are a bit shy about groups conference calls, we have a one on one premium package where you have one on one calls each week with Sean and me, and total access to our Secret Facebook page. 

We have members at all stages of their transformation, from just getting started to maintenance mode. If you have 20 pounds to lose or 300, discover the difference solid accountability and support makes! We keep these groups small and exclusive. As Kathleen mentioned, Monday night primary group is full, but we still have spaces open for Tuesday midday and the Tuesday night group. Instead of posting signup links here--simply email me directly if you're ready to join!


I've had a busy weekend. And for that reason, I've decided to take a vacation day tomorrow. I'll be sleeping in tomorrow morning, like a champ!

I spent some time working on episode 12 of Transformation Planet, but kept having issues with the computer I use for editing. I'll get it worked out--and the next episode will release tomorrow night, a day behind schedule. It was frustrating, to say the least. The key to building a successful podcast, from what I've learned from those who have: Consistency!! Isn't that the key to most everything?

I had the pleasure of preparing breakfast this morning for my grandson Noah. When he stays over, I make sure to buy bacon just for him. He loves bacon.

Me: "What do you want for breakfast, bubby?"
Noah: "Cheese and bacon."
Me: "How about some banana, too?"
Noah: "Cheese and bacon!"
Me: "Do you want apple slices and maybe some eggs?"
Noah: "Cheese and bacon."

Well, okay--cheese and bacon, coming right up! I wrapped his bacon slices in mozzarella--and he finished every bite. The kid is low carb, apparently.

Amber and I visited mom for a little while before enjoying dinner together this evening. It was a wonderful visit. We don't do it often enough!

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. I stayed well connected with exceptional support. And I had a fairly decent workout this evening. It was a busy--but solid day.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25th, 2017 It Turns Out Okay

February 25th, 2017 It Turns Out Okay

Mom is doing better today/tonight. She dined with her new friends in the dining room--and that's a sure sign she's feeling better. Last night was deeply concerning--the surface symptoms seemed to indicate something far worse, but after numerous tests, the worst of it has been ruled out. She still has a very serious urinary tract infection--and it's being treated aggressively, and that right there could be responsible for some of her adverse reactions/symptoms. I'm confident and the doctors and nurses are confident she'll be fine. That's a mom update! I spoke with her a few times on the phone and stopped in for a visit tonight.

I don't always feel right sharing intimate details of mom's life in this blog, but I certainly have her permission and blessing. I do share, not everything mind you, but most of these circumstances, because her wellbeing is super important to me--it affects me emotionally, and my history shows a lengthy track record of emotional eating--and, well--this is a diary--the daily diary, and writing about what I'm feeling/experiencing is important for me and the stability of my daily plan.

Sacrificing my plan wouldn't and couldn't comfort me--and it certainly wouldn't/couldn't magically fix all of mom's ailments. Maintaining the stability and integrity of my plan contributes in monumental ways toward better emotional/mental balance. Staying on plan is calm. Being off plan is chaos.

Why did I ever think off plan would be helpful for life's emotional/stressful challenges? Deep down I knew it never would--but deep down I wasn't looking for it to deliver anything other than an escape or distraction far far away from the reality in front of me. Some people say "Calgon, take me away," Mine was "Calzone, take me away!" Now, instead of running away--I deal with things, try to work through them--pray about them, I'll meditate, talk about them, write about them--FEEL them, and somehow it turns out okay.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I just met my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

My food day was wildly tilted, but I knew this would be part of today's deal considering a 6am this morning bedtime--yeah--that wasn't the best, but it couldn't be helped in the circumstance. It's one day. And I'll work to "correct the clock," tomorrow.

My youngest daughter will deliver my second grandson in April. Oliver will make Noah a big brother--and oh my, we're very excited. This pregnancy has proven to be a challenge for Courtney. She needed some rest tonight, so with some assistance from a good friend of mine, I have Noah with me through tomorrow late afternoon. We watched the movie Storks tonight--well, he did--Po Po (that's what he calls me) fell asleep...that's why it's almost 2:30am! I woke up--he went to bed willingly, peacefully--happily, and po po writes his blog and eats some fruit!

It doesn't take much to touch and move me. When I open an email from someone sharing their story with me and telling me how something I've shared has helped them--I get emotional. I can't help it--I'm a sensitive guy. I've never been a big, tough, thick-skinned macho man type who owns tools and knows how to change their own oil. I'm just not that kind of guy. I cry. And it feels so good sometimes. You know what I mean?? A good, deep, cleansing cry cleans my emotional windshield-giving me a clearer vision of what's real, what's now and what's important.

Michelle shares a wonderful email with me about powerful things resonating within her lately. In the spirit of passing it on, perhaps her enthusiasm and breakthrough thoughts might resonate with you, too. Michelle, thank you for making the time to sit down and share this beautiful message and thank you for your permission to publish.    

Dear Sean, 

My name is Michelle and I have been following your blog and Facebook for several years now. It’s safe to say that I’ve been a yo-yo dieter my entire life.  Much like a smoker who has quit 20 times over the past 20 years – I’ve been up and down all over the scale.

About 8 years ago, on one of my countless attempts at dieting – I turned to the wonderful world of the internet for the latest and greatest tips and tricks.  There I was quickly introduced to a new(to me) world of bloggers.  It was exciting. An entire world of real people going through the same thing as I was. 

I had my favorites, yours among, that I always returned to whenever I was on one of my “dieting” phases. Over the years, I have indeed learned that much like myself, many of them also deal with the same issues I do. Gain/Re-Gain, self-doubt, emotional issues…on and on.  Not going to lie, it left me sad and discouraged for both them AND myself as I and they regained and didn’t achieve sustainable maintenance.

However, I kept at it as did some of my favorite bloggers – and out of that time of uncertainty came a beacon of light in you!  You managed to not only achieve a monumental weight loss – but after your relapse/regain (to use your own words) did the mental/emotional/physical work necessary to conquer what could have seemed like an impossible task.  You did not give in, you created your non-negotiables and you stayed accountable. 


I’m not much of a commenter, but I really wanted to reach out to write and let you know how inspiring your dedication has been and I can’t even tell you how much I ADORE the new podcast. For the first time in my entire life, the idea that I need to find a way of life that sustains my health and weight loss goals entered my brain.  It seems so obvious, and maybe I’ve had versions of that in my head before – but it seems so much more intuitive now.  I need to eat for fuel. Not for comfort, amusement, anger, frustration.  I need to learn to FEEL MY FEELINGS, not eat them.  I’ve spent much of the last month really tuning into my responses to what’s going on when I felt a huge desire to drink a glass of wine or eat a bag of chips. 

I discovered that often it was an almost immediate response to a fight with my boss or my husband annoying me or some other challenging situation.  What it was wasn’t important, but the important takeaway to me was that when I had those situations, my subconscious sought the “comfort” of my trigger foods. Funny, prior to taking the time to feel – it would never have occurred to me that I was an emotional eater.  Oh, how I fooled myself.

I remember times, as far back as being 5 or 6, when I can clearly recall turning to food as a “friend” and a band aid to things in life that left me sad, angry, alone……. I’m working through it – and for the first time, I am open to the idea of therapy if necessary.

I love the idea of figuring out what is SUSTAINABLE for me.  The advice of yourself and your experts has been key in me working out a plan.  Not that your/their plan is what I’m doing, per se, but it enforces the concept that I need one and that I need to make it a fluid one so I can tweak and fine tune as I go along.  I especially enjoyed the last interview with Joy Bauer.  She said, and I’m starting to believe, that consistency is most important aspect of life. A few extra glasses of wine or overindulging on vacation does NOT mean I’m a failure, only that I’m human.

I’m committed to doing the work and I want to thank you for providing me with not only such a helpful tool in your blog/podcast – but with the inspiration and example of how you live your plan.

So, thank you so much.  I’ve lost 11 pounds this month – but I’ve also lost the need for instant perfection and results. I know it’s going to take time, and I’m granting myself the gift of patience to reach my goals.  I’ll be anxiously awaiting each new podcast (your voice is so calming..chills me right out!) and blog post! I selfishly wish there could be a new one every day, hahah. 

Regards from Pennsylvania,
Michelle M.

Oh, Michelle--yes yes yes!!! You're granting yourself the gifts of extraordinary care! Love, "I'm granting myself the gift of patience..." And my goodness--consistency beats intensity. Thank you, again!

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24th, 2017 Almost 6am

February 24th, 2017 Almost 6am

It's almost 6am Saturday morning. I just got home not long ago after a nearly all-night emergency room visit with mom. I stopped by to see her shortly after my dinner and found her in horrible shape. The nurse recommended an ambulance or private transport--I took her. She's back in her room at the nursing center after undergoing numerous tests

It was a big Friday. A solid day--and a big event tonight. I wish I had more time to write about it, but I don't. Perhaps tomorrow night.


Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free  I exceeded expectations. And I stayed well connected with good support.

I will be sleeping-in excessively late on my Saturday.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23rd, 2017 For Where It's Leading Us

February 23rd, 2017 For Where It's Leading Us

"This is taking forever, I don't know if I have the patience." I heard that from a friend recently. I recognized it right away because I remember saying something to that effect on many occasions throughout my "dieting career."

I had a bad habit of looking for my peace, calm, and thrills, basically, in that number on a scale. I chased it wildly. What I realize now is how my expectation of the scale providing these things, sent me in a diet mentality frenzy to manipulate the scale-- what can I do to get that positive affirmation from the scale??? I contemplated all sorts of things-- should I fast? Should I kill myself in the gym, or walk ten miles a day??

Changing the focus from the scale to the integrity of my daily plan boundaries was a life changer. I started writing about this dynamic I referred to as a "confident patience" back in 2009. Here's the thing: Confident patience only works with 110% honest commitment to the boundaries of our plan. And before then, it's important to make sure the plan is doable. Is this sustainable indefinitely?  Once we find our plan--the one we can do, the boundaries that are livable in the real world of our lives--then, we keep it--and we take care of it, we protect it.

And if we give the integrity of the plan a super-stringent level of self-honesty and commitment--then we can hit the pillow each night, knowing we made it another day--knowing that we've done all we can do--and it's then we feel a real sense of peace, calm, and stability. I'm confident I maintained my plan today. And if I'm doing that--if you're doing that--then suddenly, time doesn't matter. Let time do what it does. This isn't a race. The scale will do what it does. Let it. And realize, it's a data point, not a cheerleader or bully. If we're confident in the integrity of our plan and we're still not getting positive progress, a personal plan evaluation is a good idea. Often times a few tweaks can make all the difference.

Now--on the other hand--beware of this: I can remember many times complaining about my plan "not working," but in reality, I wasn't working. Many times I couldn't honestly say I was taking extraordinary care of my plan--I was fudging it all the way--then laying the blame on anything and everything I could--except me!   

There is a place of confident patience. Confidence in our plan, patience for where it's leading us.

From 2009:
My last official weigh day I checked in at 349, the “Lose To Win” final weigh-in I was 347, and today the scales showed 341. A loss of 8 pounds in the last two weeks! It's not the 339 I was hoping for, but next weigh day I'll hit it for sure! I've lost a total of 164 pounds so far! I love it!

“Not the 339 I was hoping for,” really? Did I really expect a ten-pound drop? How silly of me. What I've learned along the way is this: A confident patience is needed every day. When you're doing the things you know are right and good and you lay your head on the pillow at night knowing that your calorie budget is solid and your exercise is good, a confident patience can come over you. It's calming. It's re-assuring. That confident patience says “I'm doing what's right and I'll get to where I'm headed along this road. However long it takes isn't of concern really because I know that I'm doing right by this every day.”

From 2010:
The ups and downs, the fluctuations, the tough days and struggles---they come and go, but the confident patience remains strong. I really wanted to be in the 330's a year ago---and here I am getting ready to dive into the 240's. Confident patience. Forgetting about time and just doing what's right today. One day at a time adds up real quick. Confident patience.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed very well connected with exceptional support.

I remain open to learning each day--and I stay humble, because I believe successful/continued recovery in maintenance mode or going back the other way, are "places" with the biggest consequences separated by the smallest of choices.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22nd, 2017 Tweets Return

February 22nd, 2017 Tweets Return

If you're interested in joining our exclusive weight loss support group, the time is now! The 8-week session starts Monday and Tuesday. The group includes a weekly conference call, a "secret" Facebook page exclusively for members and a number exchange for direct support connections via text/call. Adding solid sources of accountability and support can dramatically affect your consistency along this road. You don't have to travel alone! Join us! Please email me for more information. transformation.road@gmail.com

Today was a really good day. I was able to get more rest last night--and the difference was big. I'm not sure how many times it takes for me to experience the crystal clear difference in order to cement my commitment. I'm learning. One thing I'm learning is how it requires a shift in focus and perspective. I can't focus on the bedtime. Focusing on a time but not changing the actions to ones in harmony with the goal, doesn't work. If I focus on managing the day well, the bedtime takes care of itself. Same thing for weight loss and maintenance. I can't simply focus on a number. If I focus on a number but I continue the same actions contrary to my goals and desires, it doesn't work. If I focus on taking extraordinary care each day, the number takes care of itself.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal by 56oz!! I stayed well connected with close support contacts. And I enjoyed a fabulous workout at the YMCA. I'll aim for another day like today, tomorrow.

I received a wonderful message from Suzanna today. She writes: I miss the tweets on your blog! I don't do twitter, so unless you highlight one like the onion rings a few days ago (I must try these!), I don't see them anymore. You mentioned the tweets on your blog sidebar, but I don't see those when I read from my phone's browser. Please bring back the tweets. Your calorie budget is 800 bigger than mine but I still got a lot of great ideas from seeing what you were eating. It also, as you've suggested many times, told a narrative of the day. The consistency of your weighing, measuring and just all of it--restaurant visits too, inspired me. Even though I can't stand sweet potatoes, catfish, and a few other things you seem to include quite often, it still helps me somehow. Thank you, Suzanna-faithful reader in Maine.

Suzanna, thank you so much for this wonderful message. After careful consideration, I'm adding them back to the end of the blog. I certainly can't please everyone, but I must say--I have missed the Tweets on each day's post--because it did help "tell the tale" of the day. It's just important to remember: These tweets are simply an accountability tool for me. They're not a food plan, or a recommendation, not an endorsement of any particular product or anything other than a way for me to be accountable. It's been a very powerful tool. It's reflective of what I enjoy eating. It's reflective of where I am along this road--in maintenance mode. I'm two months shy of three years straight. I'm proud of the streak. But I'm open to someday phasing out the tweets. I do not ever plan on phasing out the MyFitnessPal logging, the planning, the weighing and measuring food--the abstinence from refined sugar and everything else I do each day... But some day, I may stop the twitter feed in its current form. Until then--I like the idea of bringing them back. Thanks for reading, Suzanna!

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st, 2017 This Ability

February 21st, 2017 This Ability

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my water goal. And I stayed connected with support.

I was still very tired today, so I'm making it a non-negotiable thing tonight. It's an interesting study really--this ability to make certain things non-negotiable--but not others.

Maintaining the integrity of my calorie budget: Non-Negotiable
Weighing and measuring at home and work: Non-Negotiable
Logging in MFP and follow-up accountability Tweet picture: Non-Negotiable
Remaining refined sugar-free: Non-Negotiable

Getting enough rest: Uh..yeah...well...

Anyway-- This isn't about perfection--never has been. It is about consistency--and I'm consistently doing what I do. Even when what I do isn't really what's best for me.

Work in progress. You bet, in most every way.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20th, 2017 With A Bullet

February 20th, 2017 With A Bullet

Every experience along this road contains an opportunity to learn. Along the way, we learn what works well and what doesn't. There's no right or wrong, no perfection or disaster--just one learning opportunity after another. I've learned how a late Saturday night ultimately affects my Monday. Have I learned this before? Maybe some--but not to the degree of today's experience. I made it home this afternoon and it wasn't long before a one and a half hour nap was in progress. This napping pattern isn't serving me well. My day would be much more productive by simply getting all of my needed rest at night--and remaining rested, alert, and present throughout the day. This is something that hasn't made the top of my priority list. It's headed straight up the chart with a bullet. (that's radio lingo)

Today: My goodness, I enjoyed a solid food plan. I'm immensely grateful. I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, remained refined sugar-free, exceeded my daily water goal, stayed connected with solid support, and completed a home body-weight strength training routine tonight.

The latest episode of Transformation Planet features Joy Bauer! Plus, we get an update from Nathaniel! Please subscribe in iTunes, Google Play for Android devices or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. It's available for free everywhere!

Here's a convenient PodBean player for listening directly from this blog page:

Joy Bauer is one of America's leading health and nutrition experts. She's a regular on NBC's Today Show, founder of The Joy Fit Club, and the author of twelve New York Times Best-selling books, including her latest, From Junk Food To Joy Food. In this episode, Joy shares her experience, practical advice, and she reveals the things Joy Fit Club inductees always seem to have in common. Also, we get an update from Nathaniel, who's at the very beginning of his own transformation from 671 pounds.

The next 8-week session of the weight loss support group conference calls I cofacilitate with LifeCoach Kathleen, starts Monday and Tuesday! We have a few options. All members, regardless of session time, are included on the same secret Facebook page. All members have access to 24/7 spot support as needed from fellow team members, Kathy and me! It's a small, exclusive, dynamic, and diverse group of people--all at different stages of their own transformation.  Monday group is full. Spots remain in the premium late Monday one-on-one session package, the regular Tuesday night group, and our newest addition-- "Lunch With Kathy," an exclusive midday Tuesday offering.

If you have any questions about fees, how the group works or anything else, simply send an email to me-- transformation.road@gmail.com or Kathy- totalkathy@aol.com

Sign-Up Links:
Tuesday Primary group

Premium One on One Monday group

Lunch with Kathy, Tuesday noon group

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19th, 2017 If I'm Saying It

February 19th, 2017 If I'm Saying It

I'm actually doing some on-air weather coverage tonight. Which is great because I don't need to take the full credit for being up too late! I'll make this a fast one.

I spent some quality time with my grandson today. We made a trip to the duck pond, fed the ducks, played on the playground--and oh--question...Do kids just naturally not get sick on the merry-go-round?? It takes me literally seconds to feel sick on that thing--not him, oh no--he's just fine. How does that work? Anyway--fascinating to me.

We picked up grandma for Noah's return trip, giving grandma time to visit with my youngest daughter and Noah--and me, on a Sunday afternoon.

My food day was tilted after an epic sleep-in this morning. Tilted schedule, not "on tilt." It just meant eating later than even I'm cool with--and honestly, I may start intentionally going lower on days like this, simply because I'd rather do that than eat too late. And you know it's too late if I'm saying it's too late.

The latest episode of Transformation Planet is available wherever you find your favorite podcasts--in iTunes, Google Play and countless other sources. Thank you for subscribing! Please leave a rating or review if you can. Also, if you have any suggestions, questions or anything else, email me directly: transformation.road@gmail.com Here's a convenient Podbean player of the latest episode. Simply press play to listen directly from this page.

Joy Bauer is one of America's leading health and nutrition experts. She's a regular on NBC's Today Show, founder of The Joy Fit Club, and the author of twelve New York Times Best-selling books, including her latest, From Junk Food To Joy Food. In this episode, Joy shares her experience, practical advice, and she reveals the things Joy Fit Club inductees always seem to have in common. Also, we get an update from Nathaniel, who's at the very beginning of his own transformation from 671 pounds.

We're a week away from the start of another 8-week session of the weight loss support groups I cofacilitate with Coach Kathleen Miles. You still have time to get registered and join the team! The regular Monday night group is full, but we still have spaces available in the regular Tuesday night 8pm Eastern group, The "Lunch With Coach Kathleen" midday Tuesday group, and a few spaces open for the late Monday premium one-on-one memberships. If you have any questions, simply send an email to me-- transformation.road@gmail.com or Kathy- totalkathy@aol.com
Sign-Up Links:
Tuesday Primary group

Premium One on One Monday group

Lunch with Kathy, Tuesday noon group

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I met my daily water goal. And I stayed connected with support.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18th, 2017 No Question

February 18th, 2017 No Question

We're a week and a day away from the start of another 8-week session of the weight loss support groups I cofacilitate with Coach Kathleen Miles. You still have time to get registered and join the team! The regular Monday night group is full, but we still have spaces available in the regular Tuesday night 8pm Eastern group, The "Lunch With Coach Kathleen" midday Tuesday group, and a few spaces open for the late Monday premium one-on-one memberships. If you have any questions, simply send an email to me-- transformation.road@gmail.com or Kathy- totalkathy@aol.com
Sign-Up Links:
Tuesday Primary group

Premium One on One Monday group

Lunch with Kathy, Tuesday noon group
Click Poster To Enlarge:

I was up early today in order to get my day started well before heading off to a fantastic charity event. AMBUCS was having their "Heroes With A Heart" fundraiser. They invited several people from around here to ride an AmTryke in relay style a little over four miles total. I was honored to be one of those asked! AmTrykes are custom designed for people with physical disabilities. AMBUCS has made mobility their most passionate pursuit--and it shows with every AmTryke presentation. I rode two legs of the relay led by police escort.

The weather was absolutely beautiful for this event. The ride ended at Heather Cannon Honda with the dealership providing lunch and making donations to AMBUCS for every test drive. Find out more about AMBUCS at AMBUCS.org

I didn't stick around for lunch. I had an afternoon of moving furniture ahead of me! I was gifted a "like-new" living room set by the apartment community I call home. It was a generous offer--and the deal was, it needed to be moved today. I borrowed a friend and colleague's truck and made a few trips--taking the old stuff out and moving the new stuff in--I love it! I did have help. Irene and Allen came over, plus a good friend of mine also helped. It was a workout--the whole day, biking and moving, back to back--no question, it was a workout!

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I met my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with support!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17th, 2017 Before I React

February 17th, 2017 Before I React

I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback about last night's blog post.

Defying the line of least resistance's gravitational pull isn't easy. It takes work. Opening the box of struggle each day, as strange as it sounds, is easier than maintaining a plan that employs the tools eventually leading to success. And truly, success isn't a destination--that's another tricky thing--success is found all along the way. Success is uniquely defined by each of us. There are no fair comparisons to the success of others because our success is found in many different ways.

Success, for me, isn't losing 300 pounds and being in a stable maintenance mode at a healthy weight. Success for me is waking up each day and maintaining the framework of the plan that's developed and ultimately brought me this far. Success for me has meant allowing my plan to evolve naturally, becoming something I can willfully embrace without resistance. The embrace isn't out of fear--it's not a forced embrace in defense of another relapse/regain. It's an embrace that comes because the plan is customized for me.

The embrace isn't perfect or automatic. I have much more experience in the opposite direction.

The embrace is a daily practice. Not in fear, but respect-- because if I ever reach the point where I believe I no longer need the structured boundaries of my daily plan, I will quickly return to a life of morbid obesity.

What about when I'm not feeling like embracing anything? And it happens, by the way. 

I must stop and think about the dynamics of the temporary circumstance in play. Is it hunger, anger, loneliness, or tiredness? It's usually one of those four things--or variations. The challenge is often: Can I pause long enough to quickly analyze before I react? I must act, not react.

Variations of H.A.L.T.-Well, perhaps I'm not hungry, I'm just waiting a little too long between meals. Maybe I'm not angry, I'm just frustrated or disappointed. Perhaps I'm not lonely, I'm just feeling alone about something. Maybe I'm not physically tired--perhaps it's mental exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed with a certain task/project.

And when these things happen--and they do, it doesn't matter how well suited my food plan fits me. These temporary circumstances sometimes don't feel temporary. I can be real good at blowing something way out of proportion--making it ten times bigger than reality. When these things happen, I must share it--I must express it--to someone, a support friend--someone whom I'd do the same for, anytime. Because if I choose to go it alone--there is no release. And if there's no release, that means I'm stuffing it down. And if I'm stuffing it down, for me, it's most usually with food. 

Creating a "You Plan" that's grounded in perspectives promoting sustainability requires a multifaceted approach. It's so much more than a food plan.

I can recall many times in my past when I used a pre-designed plan with hopes it would be a fix. It never was. And so the yo-yo syndrome continued for years and years. In all of those instances, it was like calling a plumber to clean up the mess of a sewer line break, instead of actually fixing the busted pipe.

Today was a long day. I got a call from a friend, right after work--they needed a driver to the emergency room. This dear friend of mine was having symptoms of heart issues--or possibly stroke--it was a necessary ER trip. It turned out well--it wasn't anything major. It did make for an extra long day. I stopped by for a visit with mom before heading home for a late refresher nap.

I prepared a wonderful dinner tonight, including an appetizer experiment that turned out very well. I made homemade baked low-cal onion rings. I didn't have what I needed to make refined sugar-free ketchup--but these didn't need ketchup. I used a yellow onion, egg white, and yellow corn meal--plus olive oil spray--baked at 425 for 25 minutes--flipped half-way through.

I measure the calorie dense corn meal by weighing the excessive amount used prior to coating--then weighing it again when I'm done coating each ring--then, subtracting the starting grams from the remaining grams. These turned out much better than I expected.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I met my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with excellent support.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,