Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20th, 2017 With A Bullet

February 20th, 2017 With A Bullet

Every experience along this road contains an opportunity to learn. Along the way, we learn what works well and what doesn't. There's no right or wrong, no perfection or disaster--just one learning opportunity after another. I've learned how a late Saturday night ultimately affects my Monday. Have I learned this before? Maybe some--but not to the degree of today's experience. I made it home this afternoon and it wasn't long before a one and a half hour nap was in progress. This napping pattern isn't serving me well. My day would be much more productive by simply getting all of my needed rest at night--and remaining rested, alert, and present throughout the day. This is something that hasn't made the top of my priority list. It's headed straight up the chart with a bullet. (that's radio lingo)

Today: My goodness, I enjoyed a solid food plan. I'm immensely grateful. I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, remained refined sugar-free, exceeded my daily water goal, stayed connected with solid support, and completed a home body-weight strength training routine tonight.

The latest episode of Transformation Planet features Joy Bauer! Plus, we get an update from Nathaniel! Please subscribe in iTunes, Google Play for Android devices or wherever you find your favorite podcasts. It's available for free everywhere!

Here's a convenient PodBean player for listening directly from this blog page:

Joy Bauer is one of America's leading health and nutrition experts. She's a regular on NBC's Today Show, founder of The Joy Fit Club, and the author of twelve New York Times Best-selling books, including her latest, From Junk Food To Joy Food. In this episode, Joy shares her experience, practical advice, and she reveals the things Joy Fit Club inductees always seem to have in common. Also, we get an update from Nathaniel, who's at the very beginning of his own transformation from 671 pounds.

The next 8-week session of the weight loss support group conference calls I cofacilitate with LifeCoach Kathleen, starts Monday and Tuesday! We have a few options. All members, regardless of session time, are included on the same secret Facebook page. All members have access to 24/7 spot support as needed from fellow team members, Kathy and me! It's a small, exclusive, dynamic, and diverse group of people--all at different stages of their own transformation.  Monday group is full. Spots remain in the premium late Monday one-on-one session package, the regular Tuesday night group, and our newest addition-- "Lunch With Kathy," an exclusive midday Tuesday offering.

If you have any questions about fees, how the group works or anything else, simply send an email to me-- or Kathy-

Sign-Up Links:
Tuesday Primary group

Premium One on One Monday group

Lunch with Kathy, Tuesday noon group

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. What you say is so true that there is no right or wrong; just learning from our experiences. I hear you about the futility of napping vs. just sleepin well at night. Case in point: For months, along with counting calories (points), I also did something called intermittent fasting; that is eating all my calories within an eight hour window. That might seem hard to some, but I actually have more energy when I skip breakfast. I was doing great - more sharp minded, more energy, needing less caffeine and sleeping better. Then I read about reverse tracking, where you can eat mosst of your calories at night, and then just eat lightly during the day. I've done that for over 3 months and feel awful - tired, broken, horrible sleep, etc. I read when you eat late, your body had to work harder at processing all that food, and it screws up your circadian rhythm (your body clock), so I'm back to what really did work for me. All these years, and still learning! Sorry for the typos, theses tablet keys are so sensitive! - Sheryl

  2. Wow, Sean. that title "WITH a Bullet" is radio lingo to you, but for those of us not in on the phrase, it was quite shocking. :o

    So glad you're not hurt, not caught in violence, and just sleepy!



  3. Just started listening to the latest podcast. Don't change the intro! I love how long it is. The teasers make want to listen more. You can always fast forward if you want to get to the meat of it quickly. But part of it is to savor the information!

  4. Sean! Thank you so much for putting the podcasts up here on your blog. Just makes it easier. My husband and I are sitting here listening to this one. He loves your sense of humor! Sean! Don't change a thing in doing your podcasts! Actually, we are enjoying the whole thing. I just had to hit pause and tell you this. Thank you for all you do for the weight loss community out there. I always believe in paying it forward...maybe one day, I can be helpful to to others too. About 50 more pounds to lose, but my journey will never be over. Ok, returning to the podcast now...Sheryl


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