Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 11th, 2017 Exceptional

February 11th, 2017 Exceptional

I really had an exceptional day. I'm very grateful! After treating with medicine and alternating heat/cold, my neck/back issue started feeling remarkably better by midday. I backed away from the pushups this morning when I realized they were stressing the issue.

I enjoyed a wonderful support conversation this morning--and I made it to the YMCA for a great workout, stopped by a broadcasting client to record a few elements for a series of commercials I'm producing--then made it home in time to prepare a fantastic lunch before embarking on a little out of town trip with mom.

The Avocado Burger became an instant favorite!

From Anonymous:
I hope you feel better. You will never know how much your 3 tiered approach is helping me: Count calories (I use an easy, older point system), exercise, mental exercise. What a blessing.
I do believe you have another book inside you focusing on the above methods! Keeping it simple is such a cloud lifted. Feel better!

Thank you, A! I'm so glad this approach is working well for you!! I do have another book I want to write and I will, for sure! A simplified approach was the thing that finally clicked for me. It meant: No more diets, no more special plans, no more craziness-- just a simplistic, honest approach heavy on the mental gymnastics needed to find perspectives that helped open my mind, embrace accountability and support and ultimately, unlock a lifetime of morbid obesity. This entire experience--especially the relapse/regain period, has been a giant blessing. There are no failures, only learning opportunities. I've had plenty of learning opportunities over the last 8-plus years!


I'm so proud of mom. Her continued recovery is miraculous. One of the things she wanted, so desperately, was to NOT need the oxygen. She's now off the oxygen. After the movie this evening (A Dog's Purpose-great movie!), we checked her blood oxygen--it was 97%. It doesn't get much better than that. Aside from the wheelchair ride to the front door of the nursing center and then again around Walmart, she walked everywhere--without a walker. She's getting stronger and healthier every day. The environment of constant care is having wonderful effects.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. I stayed well connected with exceptional support contacts. And I rocked an awesome workout at the YMCA.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Happy to hear you are feeling better!


  2. Sean! That message was from me , Sheryl. We are friends on Facebook. I wrote you on Facebook; I will be joining your group in April or May when my Weight Watchers membership runs out. I follow an older version anyway, so it makes no sense to continue paying them. I meant what I said - this blog is a blessing, and yes, you have that second book inside of you! I log on as anonymous because it's just easier, and I'm basically a private person... but now I've been called out - ha ha! As an aside, please tell your mom she has such a beautiful smile. She is just lovely.

  3. Sounds like things are working out wonderful! I am very happy for you and your mom. You are a good son. Love ya Aunt Jean


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