Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8th, 2017 Slightly Quirky

February 8th, 2017 Slightly Quirky

I'm completely out of time tonight! Mom is up and running again on Facebook. I helped her tonight with her laptop. She hasn't been on since September.

My food day was on target, on plan and feels great. Although, today was supposed to be my maintenance weigh-in day--and I remembered after breakfast. I don't like weighing after a big meal. I don't own a scale and haven't throughout this entire 8-plus year experience. Weigh day is done at the doctor's office, every time. And since they're not open until later in the morning, I wait until after my radio show. And I wait to eat a meal until after weigh-in. It might sound silly, but that's okay. It's what works for me--and it's worked well. Oh, I also take my shoes off. You too? As much as I'm a firm believer in NOT giving the scale so much power and control, I'm still slightly quirky and very much into a routine each weigh day. 

I prepared a very enjoyable dinner this evening. My goodness, It was nice--I'll spare you most of the details--but it included baked cinnamon apple. It was like dessert on my plate. If you are interested in food pics, descriptions, and calorie counts, you're welcome to follow my Twitter feed: You don't need a Twitter account to scroll through the tweets. And you can also find them along the left-hand sidebar of this blog on the web version. If you do check out the Twitter feed, keep in mind--my meals reflect my larger maintenance calorie budget. As with most any meal I prepare, it's always very easily adjustable. But then again--the Twitter feed isn't meant to be anything but an accountability tool for me. And it is-- very well for almost three straight years. I'm rather proud of that streak, actually. I recently spoke with a very close support friend and someone I consider an advisor in every sense of the word, who suggested the Twitter feed may not be something I need to do forever. And they're right, I'm certain. But I don't see stopping it in the near future. For now, it works well.

I didn't manage my day very well. I napped this afternoon--and those are really starting to hamper some progress in other areas. It has a direct effect on a few things. Some good, some not so good. I don't have time to get into it tonight--but I will say, I've certainly given this plenty of focus and attention of late-- and I'm making some thought connections I wasn't before, and that's good. I'm evolving. Smiley face. That never stops.

The next episode of Transformation Planet features Nathaniel. He's starting his transformation from the very beginning, inviting us along every step of the way. Episode 10 will be titled "Meet Nathaniel," then future episodes will include short updates ahead of the regularly scheduled interviews. He's excited and off to a wonderful start. I'm excited for him. He's doing some amazing work.

Recording a recent in-studio update with Nathaniel for Transformation Planet.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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